konyakpeti: Hey!
First of all, this game is awesome, I love it!
Start playing few days ago and sometimes I just check the time and omg 4 hours gone :D
In the past, I played some paper and board role playing games with my friends, so this game style is one of my favourite and because you guys made it for pc, I really appreciate it!
After some pro now comes the con :(, that is why I post into bug reports.
- Build version - however in gog galaxy show the build as 925, in game upper left corner show 919
- Description -
1. I did a lot of achievement requirements, but my gog galaxy account still show as uncompleted
2. when I change my heroes equipments, the items going duplicated and my character have many bonus, like they have the previous item equipped too
3. many times during quest random encounters after my 4 character rolled and have much more power vs difficulty, still the encounter result will be failure (because this annoying bug, one of my level 8 fire mage died :((( after a survival encounter failure)
4. and last but not least, I encounter some weird sentences during quests like this: [IF:TEMPLATEID==9970=>HERO1]"You killed my father!"........to help her out.[ENDIF]
- Steps to Reproduce - in the description step
- Reproducability -
1. achievement problem (I attached a picture, what only show as completed)
2. equipment bug happening many times like 3 out of 5 times
3. power calculating failure happening not much, but sometimes like once out of 5 times
4. weird sentences bug found only 2 or 3 times and I did about 30-35 quest
- System information - sorry, but txt have 734kb file size and this forum attach images allow only 500kb...so my laptop spec in short version in my language (hungarian)
A rendszerinformációs jelentés írása ekkor történt: 01/09/19 19:45:55
Rendszer neve: LAPTOP-QOH6QIMB
[Rendszer összegzése]
Elem Érték
Operációs rendszer neve Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Verziószám 10.0.17134 build 17134
Egyéb op. rendszer leírás Nem érhető el
Operációs rendszer gyártója Microsoft Corporation
Rendszer neve LAPTOP-QOH6QIMB
Rendszer gyártója LENOVO
Rendszer modellje 80ST
Rendszer típusa x64-based PC
Rendszerváltozat LENOVO_MT_80ST_BU_idea_FM_Lenovo ideapad 310-15ABR
Processzor AMD A10-9600P RADEON R5, 10 COMPUTE CORES 4C+6G, 2400 Mhz, 4 mag, 4 logikai processzor
BIOS-verzió/-dátum LENOVO 1LCN32WW, 2016. 09. 05.
SMBIOS verziója 2.8
Beágyazott vezérlő verziója 1.32
Alaplap gyártója LENOVO
Alaplap típusa Nem érhető el
Alaplap neve Alaplap
Platformszerepkör Mobileszköz
Biztonságos rendszerindítás állapota Be
PCR7-konfiguráció A megtekintéshez emelt jogosultsági szint szükséges
Windows könyvtár C:\WINDOWS
Rendszerkönyvtár C:\WINDOWS\system32
Rendszerindító eszköz \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Területi beállítások Egyesült Államok
Hardverabsztrakciós réteg verziószám = "10.0.17134.471"
Felhasználónév LAPTOP-QOH6QIMB\konyakpeti
Időzóna GMT téli idő
Telepített fizikai memória (RAM) 8,00 GB
Teljes fizikai memória 7,39 GB
Szabad fizikai memória 4,50 GB
Teljes virtuális memória 13,3 GB
Szabad virtuális memória 9,72 GB
- Screenshots and Videos - I captured only the achievements, because I don't know how capture in-game problems :(
Hi there @konyakpeti! Thanks for the kind words, we really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback! We're so happy to hear that this kind of game style is your favorite.
Since build 925, we've had several updates, and are currently on 975! Thanks to the repro steps you provided, we were able to take an in-depth look at the code and really address the points you mentioned, so let us know if you're still running into these issues.
As for the achievements, at this time, they are implemented but have other game related bugs that are preventing them from fully working.