It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

nefariouscole: I only get a black screen with the top menu bar and cursor hourglass when starting the game. It freezes up and is listed as "Not Responding" on my Win7-64 laptop.

I've tried forcing the game to run with both the onboard video and the Nvidia gfx processor separately, along with unchecking the various compatibility settings and trying different older Windows versions. To no avail. It just doesn't run.

Whats more, all my Windows menu fonts are reduced in size after I force the app to close in task manager. So all my right-click windows menus and web browser menus (for instance) all have strangely tiny font sizes now.

Any ideas?
Crosmando: I'm afraid to report after just buying and installing this game, I have exactly the same problem as this user.
same problem here!
Post edited June 05, 2013 by buber
Okay, so I just got it to work. I didn't do anything except close every program I was running (Firefox included) and a bunch of processes via Task Manager, and I ran the shortcut from the desktop.
coma75: Whilst I'm not sure what my mouse is (had it for years, no logo left on it) there's no setpoint.exe in my process's
Arteveld: Try diabling some of the resident processes, maybe another is blocking the game.
Success! After some research for what process does what & trial & error it turned out to be peergaurdian2 that i didn't know was still installed. Thank you for the assistance.
Crosmando: Okay, so I just got it to work. I didn't do anything except close every program I was running (Firefox included) and a bunch of processes via Task Manager, and I ran the shortcut from the desktop.
If it's not too much to ask, could You narrow it down to one?
I was thinking about creating a separate topic, that lists the problematic processes or something. We're all kinda OTing here.

coma75: Success! After some research for what process does what & trial & error it turned out to be peergaurdian2 that i didn't know was still installed. Thank you for the assistance.
If You're not using it, consider uninstalling it, it'll take some workload off Your CPU. Have fun!:)
coma75: snappo
Arteveld: Are You guys using a Logitech mouse with it's SetPoint application by any chance?
It works now, after killing the Logitech SetPoint software.

Thanks for the tip!
nefariouscole: It works now, after killing the Logitech SetPoint software.

Thanks for the tip!
You're welcome, man!:)
Azilut: Does anyone else find that the same music track loops over and over in-game? (It's Track 2 - Contemplation.) I never got the music working on my old version, so I don't even know if this is a bug, but it seems like more than one track should be playing.

(Though track 1 does play properly on the intro screen, and the 'victory' screen also plays a different track.)
I have the same problem running the game on Windows 7 32-bit under Parallels 8 on a Mac. I get no sound or music during the intro, and the same track (Track 1, I believe) plays over and over during gameplay.

I played the Mac version of the game on my old PowerMac and never had any problems with the music track. In fact, on the old Mac version you could select which track you wanted to play by selecting it from the list on the CD (which had to be in the CD drive to play the game -- otherwise, you received the dreaded "No CD" error message).

Out of curiosity, did the songs on the CD have titles? You mentioned Track 2 - Contemplation. I never saw a list of titles for the songs when the game was initially released, but I'd love to see a complete list if you have one.

I think the soundtrack is still the best I've ever heard on a PC game, followed closely by the soundtrack for Colonization. Fortunately, the GOG release of Colonization, like the initial release, still lets you choose songs from the game's jukebox. BTW, the jukebox on the GOG release of Colonization differs slightly from the original Mac version.

I'm wondering if the problems with the Chaos Overlord soundtrack are related to the original version (on the Mac) requiring that the CD be in the CD drive in order to play, though the original versions of many games sold on GOG had the same requirement.
JudasIscariot: Hi all,

We have uploaded a new build for Chaos Overlords that is patched to 1.1 and fixes several reported issues such as the minor visual glitches with flags not showing up. Please note that windowed mode is disabled.

And before you ask, yes, the screenshots have been changed on the game page :P
I downloaded GOG version 2.1.0 on June 21 -- is this the latest version? See my other posting on the problems with the music in the game (the same track repeats over and over).
JudasIscariot: Hi all,

We have uploaded a new build for Chaos Overlords that is patched to 1.1 and fixes several reported issues such as the minor visual glitches with flags not showing up. Please note that windowed mode is disabled.

And before you ask, yes, the screenshots have been changed on the game page :P
Bilko58: I downloaded GOG version 2.1.0 on June 21 -- is this the latest version? See my other posting on the problems with the music in the game (the same track repeats over and over). is the latest version that we have. As for the repeating tracks, if there's no solution in this thread then please write to our Support department. Please make sure you include all necessary system info. Thanks :D
Bilko58: I downloaded GOG version 2.1.0 on June 21 -- is this the latest version? See my other posting on the problems with the music in the game (the same track repeats over and over).
JudasIscariot: is the latest version that we have. As for the repeating tracks, if there's no solution in this thread then please write to our Support department. Please make sure you include all necessary system info. Thanks :D
Thanks. Apologies if this sounds like a dumb question, but where do I download The My Games page only has 2.1.0, which I've already downloaded.
JudasIscariot: is the latest version that we have. As for the repeating tracks, if there's no solution in this thread then please write to our Support department. Please make sure you include all necessary system info. Thanks :D
Bilko58: Thanks. Apologies if this sounds like a dumb question, but where do I download The My Games page only has 2.1.0, which I've already downloaded.
If you still have the installer you'll see the full version. If you don't have version, then simply go to your game shelf and download like normal :)
Bilko58: Thanks. Apologies if this sounds like a dumb question, but where do I download The My Games page only has 2.1.0, which I've already downloaded.
JudasIscariot: If you still have the installer you'll see the full version. If you don't have version, then simply go to your game shelf and download like normal :)
I checked my installer and it's Thanks again.
JudasIscariot: If you still have the installer you'll see the full version. If you don't have version, then simply go to your game shelf and download like normal :)
Bilko58: I checked my installer and it's Thanks again.
No problem :D
Bilko58: Out of curiosity, did the songs on the CD have titles? You mentioned Track 2 - Contemplation. I never saw a list of titles for the songs when the game was initially released, but I'd love to see a complete list if you have one.
I think I got the track name from the remastered OST that GOG included as an extra.

Hope GOG can get this problem licked - it's criminal to let a soundtrack this good go to waste.
nefariouscole: Yes, I am.

A wireless Logitech mouse.. T400.
Arteveld: If You're still experiencing the 'black screen on startup with an hourglass' problem, try killing the Setpoint.exe process in task manager. That's what kept my copy from launching.
This solution worked for me, thanks!
Post edited August 23, 2014 by OrpheusOverdose