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i only re-post this because now i know how to post it correctly, as a question.
and because we were able to SOLVE it :D!
original post

thank you very much Matewis for the solution :)

my problem was, that the game wouldn't launch - installation went fine but when trying to start the game it only popped up for a moment - then another moment black screen - and that was it.

nothing helped.

so i tried, as suggested by Matewis, and intrsucted here using the program 'DxWnd'.
and it works :D

the reddit-article explains it pretty well but if you have any further questions feel free to post them here :)

edit: here is the wiki for the program DxWnd

edit: i wanted to post this:
'solution from the original-post (linked above):' credit for the link to Matewis :)

as a reply to mark it as solution - but i can't mark my own replys as solutions.
Post edited July 28, 2018 by JMoii
This question / problem has been solved by Matewisimage
mäh i can't mark my own replys as solution ^ -^

please anyone post anything so i can mark it as solution and the thread can be marked Solved :)
Post edited July 28, 2018 by JMoii
Sure :)