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Orcs, Day 45

This game is still going on?

What are you guys doing?

Mimo: This game is still going on?

What are you guys doing?

Each round takes a few days. We're only on around turn 45.
Mimo: This game is still going on?

What are you guys doing?

Bookwyrm627: Each round takes a few days. We're only on around turn 45.
Correction, each round takes a week.

Archons, Day 46

Turn sent.
Nomads, Day 46

With too many guards on that furnace, we decide to leave it alone this turn.

We also resign ourselves to the loss of a distant Shadow Demon town that we really had no hope of holding anyway.

Orcs. Day 46

Gallantly, a warrior ran forward into a vast looming shadow, the shadow of a Shadow Demon Lord that loomed high above him. He gestured a signal to his compatriots, and in unison they whirled their makeshift mechanisms and threw. The hook-ended ropes flew up and over the Lord's back from both sides, and were subsequently held taught by a score of strong-armed orcs. The Lord collapsed to his knees, and a full company of warriors seized the opportunity to attack, charging forth from the reserve lines.

However, as they neared him, the Lord gave out an enraged roar and snapped the ropes holding him down. With a great sweep of his mighty arm, he knocked down a dozen orcs and stamped down on the rope-holders with his feet, killing them instantly.

In the middle of the fray, Barrk was bravely holding his own against the odds. With a cry of rage he pulled his blade up and out of a black demon's spinal column, and as the demon collapsed to the ground lifelessly, the orc swung about in search of a new opponent. A demonic rider promptly charged toward him at full pelt, but Barrk clumsily pirouetted to the side and struck at it with his sword as it flew past. The beast was chopped clean in two, but its friends had taken note and now ganged up on the veteran warrior. Soon enough he was being pushed back by the unrelenting spear blows of three separate demons, and could barely manage to deflect them all.

The Orcish lines were beginning to give. The Demon Lords, seemingly untouchable, were cutting swathes right through them, leaving isolated pockets of troops fighting desperately to survive.

Shaman Crullock swung in with staff and magic, blinding and then severely injuring the demons harassing his friend Barrk. Although grateful for his life, Barrk found himself looking around in a daze at the hundreds of green bodies.

"We've no chance here, my friend. The battle is lost!"

"This never would have happened, if we only our leaders possessed a measure of wisdom. Some of us must survive this day, to tell of our loss and prevent its recurrence. So get yourself out of here, Barrk! I'll hold them off as long as I can!"

The Shaman sounded a general retreat, and the orcish lines collapsed into a thin rabble. Using his last reserves of magic, Crullock could be seen holding off the demons with a few of his bravest compatriots, such that the survivors might get to a safe distance.

Barrk turned back to look, but could not see what had become of his friend and mentor, for the dust and chaos obscured the scene. He imagined the old man must have been brutally killed, for the odds had been far too great. What he could see is that the flower of the Orcish army lay dead on this distant field, and what little remained to flee back to Orcish lands was desperate, angry, perhaps even mutinous.
Post edited June 27, 2018 by Tafferwocky
Archons, Day 47

Turn sent.
Nomads, Day 47

We rush the Archon capital after they over extend and quickly overrun the defenders.

I can't tell you how glad I am to close that front and that source of harassment. :-/

Tafferwocky: ping
You're up, guy.
Orcs. Day 47

Ex-Archons, Day 48

Turn sent.
Nomads, Day 48

We make a push toward the SD capital while wondering whether those Lords will make it in time to participate in the defense.