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Elves, Day 10

Hmm, that went well for someone else. That's for sure.

Archons, Day 10

Turn sent.
Tigrans, Day 10

The capital feels under siege, because enemy spies lurk everywhere. But reports are coming in that certain towers and other points of interest are being recaptured.
Nomads, Day 10

All this move, and it seems everyone else got everywhere before me. :(

Orcs, Day 10

Barrk, Camp Cook and Doctor to the Orcish army, had now been given an additional duty: master of the kennels. He spent his morning walking up and down making sure the hellhounds were fed and watered (they needed a lot of water, because most of it turned to steam before these unnatural abominations could drink it). In the afternoon, one dog escaped the enclosure and set fire to several tents in the camp, and nobody else was willing to lend him a hand in recapturing the mad thing.

As the sun set, various impalers & cavalrymen, plus an extremely fat shaman, came to Barrk and demanded food for themselves and their steeds, which he had been too busy to prepare earlier. Finally, after dealing with the culinary crisis and a few hunting injuries, the overworked and exhausted Barrk made his way to the tent belonging to Crullock, an old shaman, friend and mentor. This time he had a special request for the wisened orc, whose vast knowledge and experience made him most a most unusual specimen of his race.

"Friend, I did 'ave an 'orrible time with the dogs today, and 'oped you might give me some of your knowledge to 'elp," Barrk requested, as he set down the usual five bottles of dwarven bitter ale on the old fellow's oak table, and pushed one towards Crullock.

Crullock smiled wistfully and said he had just the thing, leaving and then returning with a book from his large travelling library, which looked much battered and weathered, as they all did.

"Your reading skills have improved greatly, and so I hope you will be able to make use of this tome, lad," he said as he handed over the book, which Barrk grabbed eagerly and stared at with wide, fascinated eyes. The younger orc began to trace the letters of the cover with his finger, slowly and unsteadily pronouncing the words as he went.

"How... to train... your hellhound..."
Post edited February 07, 2018 by Tafferwocky
Shadow, Day 10

Elves, Day 11

Find ourselves in a bit of a predicament. Neighbors are unkind and friends are few and far between.

Archons, Day 11

Turn sent.
Tigrans, Day 11

Finally, I can take some rest from the hard jobs and start counting the inflow of ducats, which I greatly prefer. After I brought to his attention the cost of wages for our army, the King ordered a halt to recruitment. Besides which, he seems to have grown in skill at summoning hellhounds after that time he did one in a panicked minute half-asleep.

Out of a job, my friend the Conductor has suggested I persuade the King to order construction of a shrine - to the Spirit of War, or perhaps Magic. Naturally the Conductor would preside over the new rites; nepotism is part of the Tigran way.

-Chief Quatermaster of Lashemi
Post edited February 08, 2018 by southern
Just FYI: I'm about to head away for a week, so my next turn may be somewhat delayed.
Nomads, Day 11

Walking around, minding my own business.

Orcs, Day 11

The clouds of war began to brew around the edges of the Orc nation. Scout parties were recalled to defensive positions behind the mountains, while concentrated strike forces moved to consolidate Skulkan's existing sphere of influence by capturing remaining independent strongholds.

Enemies were spotted fighting amongst themselves to the far south. Let them kill each other, Skulkan ordered, and we will devour the remains.

I'm back! For some reason it generated a restart even though I didn't restart the turn. Meh.
Shadow, Day 11


Elves, Day 12

Today we used our superpowers to turn an indie into a superhero. Nothing like dying in vain. Again.

ooc: Thank goodness we're not playing AoW:1. :)

Archons, Day 12

Our scout force has destroyed an enemy capital. The enemy leader was not home however so they were not defeated in the process.

Turn sent.

For some reason I had a restart message as well.