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My wizard did a lot of running around when you and then the Goblins invaded, so can't remember exactly. She had concealment which helped, and there's some hexes where you get automatically teleported so I was able to run further sometimes thanks to that. She's now hiding near the Goblin main town, ready to be snuffed out once you surrender I suppose. I have almost no troops left on the map, except 3 flyers going around and some rogues near my razed former cities.

I couldn't see the dragons that turn, where are they now?
goggogaowsm: I couldn't see the dragons that turn, where are they now?
Dragons went underground on a straight line course for my Dwarven Tower City, about 16 hexes NorthEast of the Goblin controlled Dwarven City. Will take them a long time to crush my final remaining Tower since it's a fair distance. :-)
Humans, Day 80

My second to last Tower City is no more. Razed by the Dragons. Now it's just a matter of the Goblins bring their forces to bear.

Really not liking the stack of Knight killing butchers coming my way. It's too bad my enemy finally figured out how to play rock-paper-scissors. :)

We're both weak now, welcome to the level worse than the AI wizards!
Humans, Day 81

Nothing to report.

Humans, Day 82

Day 83, Goblins
Lost the central underground city to the dragons, but am rebuilding one of the surface towers. Two balloons with some troops harass the humans, one to each side of their domain.
Humans, Day 83

End is near.

goggogaowsm: We're both weak now, welcome to the level worse than the AI wizards!
You sitting on your turn? Turn off the US election trainwreck and get back to important things. :)

And finally that **** has lost :)
Humans, Day 85

I'm growing my empire now. Love having a second tower to expand my reach. At least till the Dragons figure it out. :)

Humans, Day 86

Just watching the clock till the horn blows letting me know my shift is over.

I have lots of towns now, thank you crumbling human empire.
Humans, Day 87

Wow. Even the God of Nature doesn't like me. See attached.

I tried every bribe in the book back when I still had towns and towers to get one of the AI computers to quit hating me. No luck at all.

At least I can pluck the feathers off of injured angels. Stupid and annoying critters. Go away.

When will the Goblins finish the deed? I'm just a slab of meat dangling from a noose with my feet kicking wildly at this point.

unloved.jpg (416 Kb)
Not sure I've received your last turn? Is it supposed to be with me?
Do you often make the hexes look like that btw?