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Steam like Client program for GOG DRM free games and bonus content !!! in progress
People who ask for a launcher have got to be utterly tone-deaf. The whole reason GoG was attractive to begin with was because you don't have to deal with launchers that force you to log in. You just get the portable offline installers, archive them on an external HDD, and that way own your game copy forever without ever having to connect to the internet again. THAT is the reason GoG exists.
I notice some newer titles require GOG to run to play online, this does not bother me...but a better interface and features in the program would be nice, like game news, patches & events
GOG Galaxy 1.2.49 (current) or newer is the answer. There is no date on the original post above the comments. Comments have dates on them. But Not the Original post. if the original post had dates, then we would know to skip this, perhaps it would fade away because this has been done! Answer is GOG Galaxy!
People highly under rate GoG galaxy it's ridiculous. You don't even need to be always online for the thing to work and it makes patching and playing games easier.
yeah, no. This is exactly the reason why i chose gog over steam. If they'll jump into the same shit puddle, i'm dropping gog, simple as that. I'm pretty sure gog is aware of it as well, since "DRM free!" kinda is (was?) their motto?
The only reason people use GOG is because DRM free. If GOG moves in the steam direction, then there is no reason for GOG follower to stay faithful to them to. DRM free, clientless= Good Guys, Steam=DRM assholes.
Optional for the less techsavvy..yes...but OPTIONAL !!..
I SOOO dislike steam crap..
Also DRM sucks royally as is highly inconvenient. And bigbrother after I bought a game. Thats why I love GoG. If you want frigging Steam, go buy their stuff with the other gullible suckers.
No big brother forced steam-type resident client for me! Thats why I love GoG.
That sounds not really attractive to me.I don't like the steam client, not at all.And for me steam client is one of the most idiotic things.
Why should have something "steam client like" I like gog how it is now, and it shouldn't be ever something like steam, that is just stupid to me.
But this is just my personal opinion.
As an option requirement..hell no...
My personal "wish" for a client were from the start sort of an expanded GOG downloader , meaning an apparatus that could download our games install files to our harddrives for safe keeping and then install our games from our install files from our local storage including downloading to and installing from multiple local directories.
I never wished for the GOG downloader to be put out of commission . My idea were in my mind a client like thingy that could run in both slim mode (e.g. as downloader only) and in expanded mode where where one could use additional features.
GOG and "The French Monk" however spotted that a client apparatus needs to have many features like multiplayer , community and shopping to make GOG more accessible to a much wider audience.
Personally I just think that they ought to make the client offer a slim line mode also where it only acts as an expanded *install file* downloader with install ability from downloaded install file collection that would makes it easy for us to to manage our stuff.
I don't mind all the other stuff , I just think that that what was basic stuff for previous GOG core users ought not be buried in slim line mode but in such a mode ought to be elevated to suit the needs of long time GOG users with many GOG games..
Thank You :)
What does GOG Galaxy client install on my Mac? Does it use Java?
Buy a console.
Steam, but zero bullshit and zero requirement. GOG, you've really done it. I'm done with Steam and all its bullshit, from now on I'm strictly a GOG, Origin, and Amazon customer.
Thanks for the client, it's the one thing that was missing.
hmmm, i just saw the twitter release , steam needs more competition, but the optional client thing seems a lil shady, it complicates things, but lets see how this proceeds, somethings are better than nothing.
here is to competition and learning from your mistakes
Galaxy is great, but as others have said. Please keep this optional.
This would be great for keeping games updated. But I don't want anything as intrusive as steam's client.
it sure will support in-home streaming just as Steam, right? I need that feature for my GOG account! thanks
I'm really happy because the client is coming soon:
and e.g.:
Folks, they have already implemented it meaning they could care less what you have to say about it. Mark my words here guys, this will be very much like Steams DRM. It's about money, and believe me they will say "well we are worried about piracy", and so on just so you can get on board with this. Trust me, this is the first step toward full DRM folks, so kiss what little freedom you have on
Would definitely like an optional client for easier game organization, download/install, and what not. The current GOG account library actually has much of the great features of steam with an easy search bar for finding specific games. There's also a forum and help link when a game is selected! It just needs like an ability to make a favorite shelf to prioritize games we currently like to play, then the easier direct download/installing and a launcher but in client form so we don't have to access this website every time to easy launch our games, though that might actually be easier then looking through the current mess of shortcuts on my desktop.
I'm guessing this is what the whole GOG galaxy thing is about, but so far it seems GOG galaxy is more of a multiplayer game thing. GOG galexy seems to be called up in games with online multiplayer and I've noticed certain games on GOG don't quite have built in servers for their online multiplayer compared to steam, so it seems galexy is more for making sure everyone's games are up to date and can link to a easy common network. The current launcher also seems to be just for the specific game it goes with. However if GOG galexy later comes with the rest of the steamesque package minus being constantly needed online to launch any games, then its golden!
voted:D i can handle the install and all that myself, i have uninstalled and deleted all sofware myself since win95.
But if the majority likes it and we wont need the client to run, thus still being able to use the games on every windows we have without that client then its okay.
Up-voted based on a purely optional basis and depending what the client does. A simple overview of all my GOG games to install and keep up to date automatically, certainly. Anything beyond that is not welcome.
Of the companies out there I have the most faith in GOG to get it right and listen to concerns but it does err on the murkier side of video games for consumers and I certainly don't want to see shovel loads of tat like Steam piles on!
366 points, from beginning everyone mention it would be optional, you still can download games from web page or using downloaded, and then people post threats 'if mandatory - will stop buy'... LOL, really lame... So far GoG did not make mistakes, don't expect it to make it now either...
I like GOG how it is, I use steam and I hate it always needs updates to the client adding crap i never use and bogging down my pc growing bigger and bigger with each update and unnecessary use of my bandwidth because it has stay connected to them. GOG is much better no Client is the best way. imagine if every game company had there own client and that's the only way to get there games. its crap I'm just saying
Same here
If Galaxy Client becomes mandatory, I'll stop buying games here. Just saying.
I would not benefit in any way from a GOG client program. The current system works well enough as it is. Please do not implement this. Downloader be used to lauch games? I generally dislike having icons on my desktop. Also, there should be an option in the launcher to automatically remove game's downloaded files after a successful installation.
How about no, not that thing. If it were mandatory I would stop shopping here. I use the current downloader as a selling point and example of how Gog does things right when encouraging others to shop here.
Like the previous replies stated: only when optional, i dont want steamlike client sniffing around my privacy , sending info to steam.
We pay for the games/movies and dont want any spying upon is.
Were here on GOG just because we DONT want clients beiing forced upon us.
We want DRM free games, which can run on any windows we have, without the need to rebuy the games or extra serials, and without the need to install a client on every machine we have.
Same here
If Galaxy Client becomes mandatory, I'll stop buying games here. Just saying.
If Galaxy Client becomes mandatory, I'll stop buying games here. Just saying.
Only if it's optional. Clients can seriously bog down a computer, especially while running a resource-demanding game.
People in comments saying that this is *optional*. It is not. Look at Witcher Adventure Game. It requires Galaxy to be running to play multiplayer. It even installs Galaxy without asking.
GOG Galaxy is trying to emulate Steam. People specifically buy from here because they do not want that.
In response to cataclism - yes optional means that we don't have to install a client to install a game. Unfortunately that however is almost never the case, just have a look at AvP and Witcher Adventure game where Galaxy is *not* optional, yes you can remove it afterwards, however it still forces its way onto the machine in the first place.
the reason i come here is exactly because gog works without client this reeks to much of a new steam tbh
Wow at all the people saying no. Are there so many people in the world unable to understand what "optional" means?
Two words : Big Picture.
I have a computer connected to my TV, and I really like the Big Picture mode of Steam.
Having a launcher for all my GOG games would be great.
Clients are great, especially where, like with GOG Galaxy, they are optional.
No, No and again No. Clients like Steam are bad. I don´t install shitty clients like steam to my computer.
Since there's no way to edit your posts I'm just gonna add this one here too. Some kind of Cloud Save feature would be superb! I think that's the second best feature Steam has got to offer after game achievements. Because I have a hundred little games on my computer and play them occasionally when ever I feel like it - and when I'm traveling somewhere with my laptop of course I would rather not restart every game I've made some progress in in the past. Cloud Save feature is totally something you want to have in games today. End of rant.
Isn't this something GOG Galaxy is supposed to be? I would hope so, but I gave you my upvote anyway. This is exactly what I want. An optional client that you can use to view, update, install and launch your games from.
I have to say I like the approach that Steam has with it's client. The only downsides are the restrictions and around the clock need for stable internet connection. If you combine the great qualities of Steam and make it DRM-free you have a WINNER in your hands. All hail the GOG Galaxy!
Some people here thinks that this functionality is for "idiots".
So, no. I don't want to be so stupid using the one-click install button, I prefer the boring and very intelligent (and very smart) task of login in, download manually the .exe, double click it. Then continue clicking Next/Install, changing the location of installation becouse 0.01% of time is wrong.
This way I feel more intelligent.
How about no? One of the best things about GOG is that it doesn't shove it's client in your face what all you really want is to download the game and play it. The last thing we need is steam-like client.
Glad to see the idea's already been brought up.
If GOG is to compete with Steam (and I truly believe it can), it needs its own client. Currently, there's a 1-stop-barrier, and that is being a website.
The main gate to me using GOG is generally that I forget it exists. It's buried in my bookmarks. Once a client is out, assuming it's a well-made interface, the number of GOG users will see major spikes.
And to the people freaking out, a client does not mean applying any DRM; it'd just be a GOG app that is a quicker route to your purchases, updates, and the store.
I am very excited about GOG Galaxy.
What would be the use od a system like that?
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