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The Legend of Skye Soundtrack

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The Legend of Skye Soundtrack
Michael Lückgen Born in Dormagen, Germany in 1989, Michael Lückgen has harbored a passion for music since childhood. He began his musical journey by taking piano lessons at a young age. Although he's primarily self-taught in composition, his natural talent and dedication have led him to create mu...
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2024, Point & Pixel Adventures, ...
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Michael Lückgen

Born in Dormagen, Germany in 1989, Michael Lückgen has harbored a passion for music since childhood. He began his musical journey by taking piano lessons at a young age. Although he's primarily self-taught in composition, his natural talent and dedication have led him to create music in the orchestral, cinematic, and classic Hollywood styles. Notably, he has had the rewarding experience of collaborating with a real orchestra and witnessing his music come to life during a live performance.

Beyond music, Michael holds a lifelong fascination with point-and-click adventure games, a love affair that began with the iconic "Monkey Island." The genre continues to inspire him to this day.

Soundtrack description

This soundtrack evokes the spirit of classic point-and-click adventures, drawing inspiration from the works of Michael Land, Peter McConnell, and Clint Bajakian.

Join Skye on her captivating journey through a fantastical world, guided by a playful and engaging score. The music unfolds alongside the narrative, weaving multiple themes that ebb and flow with the emotions of the story.

Celtic influences paint the soundscape, reflecting the mystical Druidic setting Skye explores. Prepare to be captivated by vibrant melodies, whimsical orchestrations, and a touch of the fantastical.

  1. [0:10] Logo
  2. [0:31] Menu
  3. [3:56] Intro
  4. [1:32] The Forest
  5. [1:16] The Druid's Hut
  6. [0:54] Hideout
  7. [0:45] Map
  8. [0:50] At the Gates
  9. [1:04] King Finn's Theme
  10. [1:13] City Streets
  11. [0:37] Armory
  12. [1:02] Pastry Shop
  13. [0:39] Role Playing Store
  14. [0:51] Dark Alley
  15. [0:48] Fisherman
  16. [0:57] The Archer
  17. [0:43] The Witch's Theme
  18. [0:27] Witch Fight
  19. [1:39] Inside the Castle
  20. [0:53] Cyclop
  21. [0:57] In the Deep Woods
  22. [1:13] In the Mountains
  23. [1:11] Pipes Competition
  24. [1:40] Final Confrontation
  25. [4:47] Credits
  26. [0:41] Tonan Title Music
  27. [0:05] Missed Shot
  28. [0:06] Fanfare
  29. [0:09] Poisoned Cook
  30. [0:12] Hiding in Safe
  31. [0:13] Skye's Death
  32. [0:13] Shaman Reveal
  33. [0:24] Next Project Teaser
Soundtrack (MP3)
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Зачем покупать на GOG.com?
БЕЗ DRM. Не требует интернет-подключения или активации.
Уверенность и надежность. Поддержка 24/7 и полный возврат средств в течение 30 дней.
Детали игры
Работает на:
Windows (7, 8, 10, 11), Linux (Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04)
Дата выхода:
{{'2024-04-02T00:00:00+03:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0300 ' }}

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