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MeowCanuck: Studio Kiku's The Plane Effect is Italian. Not sure about Innovina, though it does sound Italian.
Good catch! Innovina Interactive is definitely an Italian studio as well:
Faraday Protocol - Red Koi Box

EDIT: oops, didn't see edit. Please disregard.
Post edited August 13, 2021 by MeowCanuck
Grazie per la lista.
Sarebbe bello avere un mercato più florido di videogiochi in Italia, per ora ho dovuto abbandonare l'idea di lavorare nel settore giochi (lavoro come web developer anche se uso unity3d nel tempo libero) chissà magari tra 10 anni sarà diverso.

Thank you for the list.
It would be awesome to get a bigger market for videogames made in Italy, right now I had to work as a web developer (I still use unity3d in my free times) but maybe in 10 years it will be different.
I videogiochi nostrani! XD

I had no idea many of those list came from Pastaland, too! The more you know.

Nice idea, it's good to see the ol' peninsula ain't digitally dead yet.
LiefLayer: Grazie per la lista.
Sarebbe bello avere un mercato più florido di videogiochi in Italia, per ora ho dovuto abbandonare l'idea di lavorare nel settore giochi (lavoro come web developer anche se uso unity3d nel tempo libero) chissà magari tra 10 anni sarà diverso.

Thank you for the list.
It would be awesome to get a bigger market for videogames made in Italy, right now I had to work as a web developer (I still use unity3d in my free times) but maybe in 10 years it will be different.
Good luck to you! I so wish game developing ws more viable here...
Post edited August 13, 2021 by Enebias
Lots of new stuff. All that's left is to find the time.
Thanks! I really had no idea that DESTINYbit was an Italian studio.
The upcoming Starsand is being developed by Tunnel Vision Studio, a gaming company from Rome.
ConsulCaesar: The upcoming Starsand is being developed by Tunnel Vision Studio, a gaming company from Rome.
Thank you!
Dev: Drakkar Dev
Game Name: Blackwind
Release date: 19th of January 2022
Country: Italy
Developer: 68K Studios - Federico Fanelli

Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle

The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare

Great game and great developer.
Dogmaus: Dev: Drakkar Dev
Game Name: Blackwind
Release date: 19th of January 2022
Country: Italy
Thanks! Another mainly Italian team that I wasn't aware of.
Swissy88: Developer: 68K Studios - Federico Fanelli

Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle

The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare

Great game and great developer.
Thanks! I've suspected for a long time that 68K Studios was Italian since the publisher Gamera is also Italian, but I've never found any concrete evidence. Out of curiosity, can you tell me exactly where you found Fanelli's name?
Post edited January 12, 2022 by Alexim
Dogmaus: Dev: Drakkar Dev
Game Name: Blackwind
Release date: 19th of January 2022
Country: Italy
Alexim: Thanks! Another mainly Italian team that I wasn't aware of.
Swissy88: Developer: 68K Studios - Federico Fanelli

Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle

The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare

Great game and great developer.
Alexim: Thanks! I've suspected for a long time that 68K Studios was Italian since the publisher Gamera is also Italian, but I've never found any concrete evidence. Out of curiosity, can you tell me exactly where you found Fanelli's name?
It's in the game and at the bottom of the 68K studios website.
My Italy confirmation:

You can see his place of location there is Italy 8)
Alexim: Thanks! Another mainly Italian team that I wasn't aware of.

Thanks! I've suspected for a long time that 68K Studios was Italian since the publisher Gamera is also Italian, but I've never found any concrete evidence. Out of curiosity, can you tell me exactly where you found Fanelli's name?
Swissy88: It's in the game and at the bottom of the 68K studios website.
My Italy confirmation:

You can see his place of location there is Italy 8)
Perfect thanks!

Troglobytes is a small independent video game development studio based in sunny Southern Italy, founded by both industry veterans and young talents.