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This is how you spell p-a-n-d-e-m-o-n-i-u-m!

Nine Parchments is now available, DRM-free on
You don't need no education: as wizard school drop-outs, you and your colleagues just venture into the unsuspecting outdoors to practice your craft. Experiment with different elements, combine your spellcasting efforts into creative and outright devastating combos and spread magical havoc in the beautiful world of Trine. Just watch out for friendly fire, especially if you're the owner of the sexiest hat around...

Watch the explosive trailer.
Post edited December 05, 2017 by maladr0Id
RyaReisender: Wow nice. From the creators of Trine. And has online co-op?

As always, asking the same question: Does online co-op require galaxy / registration?
It doesn't require Galaxy as it uses Frozenbyte's own solution for multiplayer or crossplay multiplayer.
Post edited December 05, 2017 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: It doesn't require Galaxy as it uses Frozenbyte's own solution for multiplayer crossplayer multiplayer.
amok: that's a lot of multiplaying!

anyway, I tend to like Frozenbyte's games, but this seems to be focused on all that multiplayer to be my cup of tea.
Yeah, I missed an "or" in there earlier :P
JudasIscariot: It doesn't require Galaxy as it uses Frozenbyte's own solution for multiplayer or crossplay multiplayer.
RyaReisender: Thanks!

Does that mean you need to register at Frozenbyte for multiplayer or does it work via direct connect?
I just checked and I could join public online games without registering for multiplayer.