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Travel to Los Angeles A.D. 2019 and witness its revamped looks in a new, enhanced edition of the cult point & click classic.
Genre: Adventure
Discount: 50% off for the owners of the previous GOG version of the Blade Runner game. The latter will be added to every Blade Runner - Enhanced Edition purchase.
high rated
I wanted to let you know that Blade Runner is available on GOG again.
sysia_GOG: I wanted to let you know that Blade Runner is available on GOG again.
VanishedOne: Thanks for doing something about this. Can you shed any light on whether regional pricing is working as intended, please, though? Here in the UK, I see the USD price for both 'editions' listed as $9.99, but GBP prices of £6.99 for Enhanced Edition and £7.99 for non-EE, which makes it seem there's a £1 premium for avoiding the EE.
We will check the pricing, thanks!
sysia_GOG: I wanted to let you know that Blade Runner is available on GOG again.
Braggadar: A welcome decision in the light of the current quality of Nightdive's EE version.

But, umm, in the spirit of transparency:
If someone buys the "original edition", is Nightdive still going to get a cut of that sale?
You can find the answer to your question on the gamecard of the game actually - Alcon Interactive Group is listed as the publisher of the original Blade Runner, whereas Nightdive Studios isn't.
low rated
Hey everyone, I've seen some comments in regards to Blade Runner EE reviews and wanted to clear things up a bit.

We are aware that Blade Runner EE received negative reviews from some of you with your feedback on the current state of the game and you can still read those reviews on the game's store page. But at the same time, our Customer Support Representatives removed opinions that were in violation of our review guidelines (e.g. those encouraging to pirate the game or using language that may be considered offensive and inappropriate).

Of course you have the right to review the game and share your thoughts with others, negative or not, but in a polite way and concerning experience from playing the game.
Post edited July 01, 2022 by sysia_GOG