Posted March 21, 2012
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Tolya Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Team
Registered: Nov 2011
From Poland
54 6f 6c 79 61
Tolya Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Team
Registered: Nov 2011
From Poland
Posted April 05, 2012
Churchy: Could you maybe explain a bit more in depth how to get the \ trick to work? I'm having the exact same issue and when I get to the bit where he disappears I went ahead and held the backslash, Lucko still never showed up, so I went to the Anachronox Tours area (continuing to hold \) and still get the party died message.
The \ key speeds up the game. Hold it down and then make the transition from one area to the other.