It's already Throwback Thursday! In this week's episode, we're continuing to focus on the games that recently received exclusive free goodies, including concept arts, thanks to the The Video Game History Foundation. So let's talk for a bit about a gem that never got the attention it truly deserves: Anachronox!Because today we've got two people willing to let you know about this sci-fi RPG, set on an abandoned alien planet, and featuring a cast of odd heroes on a quest to prevent an immense threat only they believe in, let's just jump straight into it. And to experience the game with them, check out their streams of Anachronox, on Friday, 9pm CST by Kilg0re_Tr0ut, and Saturday 9pm CST by Flaose. |
Recommended by Kilg0re and Flaose, Stream Team | Anachronox is truly an underrated unique classic. What other game has a planet as a character? It's part narrative driven adventure, and part JRPG. Even if the JRPG style combat is not your thing, don't let that put you off. You can just drop the game difficulty down to easy, treat it as an exploration style adventure and enjoy one of the most well written, hilarious (and sometimes moving) stories ever put in a video game. It's amazing what Tom Hall and his crew did with the Quake II engine, as it's a beautiful game graphically. It's a massive game, and one of my all time favorites. |
 | The creative director of Commander Keen developing a game with his supergroup team at the freshly-minted Ion Storm? When I first heard of Anachronox, I was all in. It's an American take on the JRPG genre, but Tom Hall's zany sense of humour ensures that the tongue remains planted firmly in cheek throughout. Sure, you have a team of three that engages in turn-based battles, but your magic and shields are powered by Neutron-Radiated Glodents (NRG), you explore places in search of hidden TACOs (Totally Arbitrary Collectable Objects), and you fight alongside a freaking planet! It's a colorfull adventure with well-directed cutscenes and a fast-paced story that isn't afraid to change the setting or introduce new gameplay mechanics. Anachronox is a unique CRPG that too many people missed and I love that GOG gives gamers, new and old, another opportunity to experience this incredible gem. |
The Throwback Thursday series is done in cooperation with The Video Games History Foundation – a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, celebrating, and teaching the history of video games. If you want to support them, we encourage you to check their
donation page. And if you'd like to see all the games in this ongoing series, go to its
dedicated page.