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I noticed on the menu that it doesn't boot up like a Super NES cartridge and the into to both games is missing as well as the controls are reported to not be the same as the console versions nor can they be altered...

On Steam Sega let gamers buying the collection get the ROMs DRM Free. A pity it isn't here as well with these 2 games...

Still I'll enjoy them.
Considering Disney handled this release and that the ROMs from the Aladdin/The Lion King collection can similarly be extracted, I am guessing this is also possible.
Disney is one of the kindest companies when it comes to being consumer-friendly with their games, between these GOG releases of old Disney and Lucasfilm games.

The same can't be said about their films, though, especially when they compromise their morals to bow down to China, keep gobbling up companies and screwing over the public domain laws.
Requires a bit of work, according to this post:

It should be possible to extract the game through command terminals such as CMD or Ubuntu's terminal, but I don't have the game to test.

If someone wants to try, just need to modify the commands from this repository to match that of the game, then do what the repository asks for each OS (adapting the steps, since it the method was made for another game):
The commands from the bat file are for Windows, and the commands in the Linux part are for Linux.
The skip values are where the ROMs start (e.g. 1B0894C for Zombies Ate My Neighbours), but converted to bytes.
The count values are where the ROMs end (e.g. 1C0894B for ZAMN), but also converted to bytes.
Post edited September 10, 2021 by _Auster_
Zombies Ate My Neighbours and Ghoul Patrol come with SNES ROMs, but extracting them requires a bit of work ... If someone wants to try, just need to modify the commands from this repository to match that of the game, then do what the repository asks for each OS (adapting the steps, since it the method was made for another game):
The commands from the bat file are for Windows, and the commands in the Linux part are for Linux.
These are one-liners to extract the gog 1.1 roms on linux/mac/posix OS:
dd bs=1 skip=26867136 count=1048576 if=ZAMN_GP.exe of=gp.sfc status=progress
dd bs=1 skip=28346700 count=1048576 if=ZAMN_GP.exe of=zamn.sfc status=progress
Based on these two posts I was able to make it work for Windows.

First you need to go to, download the files and extract them all in a folder and copy the "ZAMN_GP.exe" file in that same folder.
Then you need to create a new batch file for Windows. Just open "Notepad" or similar, copy the following lines and save it as "ExtractZAMN&GP-1_1-GoG.bat" in the same folder as the other files:

SET "mypath=%~dp0"
SET "mydir=%mypath:~0,-1%"
cd "%mydir%"
echo Extracting "Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA).sfc".
".\dd.exe" "if=%mydir%\ZAMN_GP.exe" "of=%mydir%\Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA).sfc" bs=1 skip=28346700 count=1048576
echo "Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA).sfc". Extract Complete. The MD5 should be: 23C2AF7897D9384C4791189B68C142EB
echo Extracting "Ghoul Patrol (USA).sfc".
".\dd.exe" "if=%mydir%\ZAMN_GP.exe" "of=%mydir%\Ghoul Patrol (USA).sfc" bs=1 skip=26867136 count=1048576
echo Extracting "Ghoul Patrol (USA).sfc" Extract Complete. The MD5 should be: 657FA94CFF4464CBC58C476EA642299A

Finally run the new batch file you created and voila!

FULL DISCLOSURE. I personally own the Steam version, not GOG. The offsets provided above were taken from the original posters. If one wanted to create a batch file for the Steam version then the correct commands are:
".\dd.exe" "if=%mydir%\ZAMN_GP.exe" "of=%mydir%\Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA).sfc" bs=1 skip=28360012 count=1048576
".\dd.exe" "if=%mydir%\ZAMN_GP.exe" "of=%mydir%\Ghoul Patrol (USA).sfc" bs=1 skip=26880448 count=1048576
Post edited March 06, 2022 by KeyperOS