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Hi all-

I was wondering if someone(s) who has completed the game (Director's Cut) can give me a general idea of how far through it I am. It seems like I've been doing this forever, but I get the sense I'm not very far, lol.

I've completed Ag center (Highpool gone), Rail Nomads, as much as I can of Red Skorps, every nook I can find of the main AZ map, and am now with the mushroom clouders on my way to Damonta.

Just wondering what % of the way through the total game I am.

Please, no spoilers. Just an estimated number if you could please. :)
Post edited May 27, 2016 by yogsloth
I'd say about 60% to go.
gaspop: I'd say about 60% to go.
Thanks for the response. That's less than I thought - I would have though I was max 25% of the way through.

Thanks again, and back to plugging away!
yogsloth: Thanks again, and back to plugging away!
it really starts picking up once you get through damonta
Post edited May 29, 2016 by drealmer7