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Hmmm seems on the east side of a village, once you can make an ice tower and the skeleton key you can bypass fighting a boss (in the forest) and go straight to the library. This of course messes up the plot a bit since at that point I don't have a clue what's going on. So I guess a few minor updates might be needed in the level design.

A minor change in the one spot (that's difficult to climb but not impossible) could remove that problem.

If a video is needed for this I can make one, I just don't look forward to it since capturing video isn't always easy.
If you don't mind you could take a couple of screenshots and I might be able to help.
Nirth: If you don't mind you could take a couple of screenshots and I might be able to help.
Took a little bit to capture a video.

Behind the room you enter when you manage to crawl up to that space is locked that open by a trigger behind the barrier. It must look different from you if you actually managed to break the game, if so could you take a screenshot? A video isn't necessary because I only need to see the room, not how you go there.
Nirth: Behind the room you enter when you manage to crawl up to that space is locked that open by a trigger behind the barrier. It must look different from you if you actually managed to break the game, if so could you take a screenshot? A video isn't necessary because I only need to see the room, not how you go there.
Actually it's just locked by the skeleton key, nothing else. Maybe it won't 'break the game' but events are played out of order.

This will involve replaying through the game and getting to this point again. Although in theory I can, I don't think I will.

As I recall I met an angel (debruska?), an empty library, then if I went down I meet up with the crew member who was sick (Fawlkis?) and they talk about the books in the library and making it your base of operations. In the room he came from, there's three angels and no description of how to fight them.

Makes for very annoying gameplay.

Curiously that room leads back to the entrance which apparently later you're to get a key from the elder of the village nearby to rid these angels. It's just, rr...
Post edited November 10, 2013 by rtcvb32
I must admit I've a terrible short term memory sometimes and I can't recall those three special angels.

If you could take a couple of screenshots here and there maybe I could spot something?

I went to that place you were earlier that initially got you trapped if that's what you're but it must look different than for me since I was able to continue from that point.

Anyway, I remember Debruska as a follower but not Fawlkis, I never found him.

In-game, what game version is the GOG version?
Nirth: Anyway, I remember Debruska as a follower but not Fawlkis, I never found him.

In-game, what game version is the GOG version?
Unless I have it wrong, you pretty much have to get Fawlkis, since he was sick and you needed the lodess tear, but with the skeleton key you could bypass having to finish the forest. (Course not sure if the tram was working)

As for the version, I'm using the (Beta). (I figured I'd buy the GoG version at a later date)
Wait, what? It's that old? Why are you using such an old version? The current one available at Steam is and the next one is on the way. I'm not sure where Desura is, but they were slow at downloading so I gave up waiting there. Humble Store version doesn't seem to be available for Kickstarter Pledges yet or I must have missed the necessary link for it. Where did you get it?

I suggest you restart (saves before is not compatible with later versions) with the latest version, preferably with the next release as I believe they're fixing quite many bugs in that one alone along with some game balances.

Edit: If you used Kickstarter Pledge or received a key from Desura/GamersGate/Steam try this link:
Valdis Story Stand Alone Installer

It's a stand alone (DRM-free) installer provided by Desura. Apparently it says which is the second time I see some confusion regarding the exact game version (and not installer version).

Anyway, either download that one or wait for the next version.
Post edited November 11, 2013 by Nirth
Didn't realize what I had was that old.
Yeah, version .20 has that fixed for sure since I just checked it. Although the game is a bit easier on you than before for normal, before it was pretty brutal.
rtcvb32: Yeah, version .20 has that fixed for sure since I just checked it. Although the game is a bit easier on you than before for normal, before it was pretty brutal.
They changed the difficulties names for some reason though: Easy Normal Hard Godslayer -> Normal Hard Veteran Godslayer (and Goibnu mode with restrictions regarding saving)

If you're after a challenging experience I suggest you go for at least Veteran.
Nirth: They changed the difficulties names for some reason though: Easy Normal Hard Godslayer -> Normal Hard Veteran Godslayer (and Goibnu mode with restrictions regarding saving)

If you're after a challenging experience I suggest you go for at least Veteran.
Mmm well I'm enjoying the slightly less difficult version now, before it was more an annoyance. Maybe on another play-through I'll take up the harder difficulties. Facing the sub-bosses as it is are very very difficult, and quite annoying too.
If you're having difficulties with harder enemies then stand still (or keep dodging them) and study their patterns. It helps tremendously, even on easier enemies just to learn to fight them without taking any damage at all.

Also practice the skill cancel/dodge, it's very powerful especially when you've many. At the end of the game I had 3 passive ones, 4 with that armor I mentioned earlier.

Last would be to try different combos of attacks, assists, spells, items etc..