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As usual I seem to have managed to have a problem no one else has! I bought and installed the game yesterday. It ran fine once, then again but only after a reinstall. But now when I try to start it, I get the Microids screen then the desktop screen comes up in 800 by 600 and my cursor completely disappears. I can get back to the regular desktop by hitting the Windows key and that shows the Syberia icon in the taskbar but if I click on that I go back to the 800x600 desktop again and no game.

I've tried running as Administrator, tried changing compatibility, and don't know where to go from here. Any suggestions?
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I had the same problem. Tried everything as described above.
Then I started the game with "C: \ GOG Games \ Syberia \ Game.exe" directly.
Now works without problems.
I have same problem and i resolved in a very simple way using the program "dgVoodoo 2", a program created to emulate old graphic card and libraries.

Research the program with google and download the last version (iyou will download a rar archive)

In the rar you can find an exe file and two folders claeed "Glide" and "MS"
After the download copy the .exe file and the libraries file (MS Folder) in thw sirectory where you installed Syberia 1 oe 2.
Select the option Fullscreen and the voice "Streched" to have the full screen filled.
To the voice "Output API" select "Best Aviable one"
To the voice "Adapter to use" select "All of them"

Go to the tab DirectX and tho the voice "Videocard " select "dgVoodoo Virtual 3D Accellerator Card"

Click on the Botton Apply and after on "Ok",

Close the program and run Syberia with Game.exe.

Syberia should go without problem
Post edited June 17, 2016 by Puntaeclicca