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I've found an odd glitch in Mission 2-3, where you have to defend the SPC Glas while it docks. The Glas just sits around doing nothing, and nothing will make it move. I think it's supposed to dock with VSD Victory, but there's no win condition involving the Victory. I don't recall this ever being a problem in any other games.
This question / problem has been solved by FerretLeaderimage
I have a modified version of this mission that I fixed this, let me try to find it and i'll upload.
There you go...

I've fixed the Glas order to go faster and proceed with the docking operation.
Mission time is reduced to about 8 minutes (the original, when works, takes about half hour).

Just download the file (B2M3IW.TIE) and replace it in MISSION folder.
Post edited November 01, 2014 by guilhermebalz
gibbeynator: I've found an odd glitch in Mission 2-3, where you have to defend the SPC Glas while it docks. The Glas just sits around doing nothing, and nothing will make it move. I think it's supposed to dock with VSD Victory, but there's no win condition involving the Victory. I don't recall this ever being a problem in any other games.
If you don't want to modify your game, then turn time acceleration on. For me, the ship usually ends up moving about 24 minutes in. You mat need to check your keybindings (press k (default) while in flight) to find out how to turn on time acceleration, though. (I think the max time acceleration is 4x, and eventually, the enemies stop spawning)
OK, turning the game speed up helped immensely. I could have sworn this wasn't an issue in other versions of the game.
guilhermebalz: There you go...

I've fixed the Glas order to go faster and proceed with the docking operation.
Mission time is reduced to about 8 minutes (the original, when works, takes about half hour).

Just download the file (B2M3IW.TIE) and replace it in MISSION folder.
Hey @guilhermebalz are you still here? I would like to get your fixed mission, but the link is outdated sadly ... :( Could you re-upload it? And btw, a friend an me wanted to fix some things in Tie Fighter, as the Problem that some Stations do not fire. We encountered what caused this bug, but are unable to fix it. As it seems you are more familar with Tie Fighter, it would be great if you could reply me on this thread, or send a pm :)
Post edited January 03, 2019 by DarkWG
Did you happen to modify the default CPU cycles that comes with the GOG setup? I think it's at 60,000. Don't know if it affects TIE Fighter, but unlimited cycles on X-Wing will cause bugs like this to happen. I just played the DOS CD mission and didn't have any problem.