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Soo sorry to necro such an old thread, but i am trying to do a play through and record, now running it full screen following the instructions works great, once i found a work around for win10 (it wasn't letting my deselect Compatability mode, just go down to the bottom of that tab and change settings for all users and it will allow you to edit it then), but i have an issue, Bandicam records great until i have to enter or exit gameplay which locks my system till i CAD and log out, have to keep turning it on and off when entering and exiting gameplay, now i then tried to do the windowed mode thing, but it keeps going full screen no matter what i do and change.
i followed the instructions point for point, but still fullscreen.

gahh tried a reinstall now getting the reinstall or make an account bug, if i just click the rogue squadron.exe it goes straight to the game, but soon as i launch it through D#Dwindower it brings up the you must reinstall or register bugged launcher
Post edited May 08, 2016 by Xantosh
Hello. Same issue here.

I installed an tried the nglide with ver 1.05 and get the same reinstall from cd issue. I even tried the regedit fix by pds41 without success. Any ideas?
Spinorial: Setting up Controllers and Flight Sticks - HELP WANTED

I have neither controller nor flightstick on hand, so am sadly unable to test any configurations of these, or how they may interact with the two programs above. If you have done some tests like these (as thorough as possible, so more people can find them helpful), please share them here, so that I may include them.
Regarding flightsticks:
As long as the flightstick is the primary device (if not, set it in the control panel) or the only one plugged in you can go in the options and map three axles in-game, there is no support for the "twist" axle, you can only map pitch, yaw and throttle while roll is achieved by holding a button that turns yaw into roll.
Now, a thing like the thrustmaster HOTAS X/HOTAS 4 or the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro should be easy to set up, problems start to arise only if you have one of those sets that don't share a usb connection (I mean where joystick and throttle are two separate USB devices), in that case you have to use a software either by the set manifacturer (my case) or by a third party that will let you change the axles and buttons you need so that they are detected as the axles and buttons of a single virtual device.
I've made a profile this way for my CH Products Combatstick and Pro Throttle, adding only a simple keymap for the ESC key and the first person camerahotkey as one cannot be mapped in-game and the other can be mapped only as a key that cicles through all cameras in-game.
Post edited July 20, 2016 by Det_Bullock
how do i put it in windowed mode also i cant even get to the main menu without the game freezing and all i here is music
samuelcole1234: how do i put it in windowed mode also i cant even get to the main menu without the game freezing and all i here is music
You can't this is an old game and as such windowed mode even if possible would create problems as the game was not coded with ALT-TABing in mind.
Also, have you set up Nglide?
what is the newest version and can you link it?
samuelcole1234: what is the newest version and can you link it?
samuelcole1234: what is the newest version and can you link it?
For me this solution solved it. I downloaded the newest nGlide and after launching the game from GOG, I went to 'Hardware Configuration' and then 'Change 3D Video Card', selected GLIDE. After that different resolutions were available and the game was running smootlhy in 60FPS.
m3n3lli: For me this solution solved it. I downloaded the newest nGlide and after launching the game from GOG, I went to 'Hardware Configuration' and then 'Change 3D Video Card', selected GLIDE. After that different resolutions were available and the game was running smootlhy in 60FPS.
Also, you can force whatever resolution you want with nGlide (and select an option to maintain the aspect ratio) and that resolution will also apply to the mission and ship select screen, not just in-game.
Hello all,

After a lot of trial and error today, I finally got this working (although it's still not 100% stable).

The OP (Spinorial) really needs to update his original post, as he wrote it before Windows 10 was released, and things such as user account privileges have become much more prevalent (and thus inconvenient) since then. If this thread is to continue being a sticky, then we desperately need an update at this point. I'm not sure if Spinorial is still around to do this, but here's what I've been able to put together in regards to necessary updates based on posts in this thread as well as posts in other threads on this site. FYI, I haven't messed with D3DWindower as of yet, so the tips below mainly apply for people who just want to get this game up and running in the most straight-forward way possible:

- Be sure to run NGlide as Administrator (may not be necessary but it couldn't hurt; it worked for me)
- Aspect ratio should be set to "Preserve original" as "4:3" is no longer an option (Latest NGlide version as of this writing is 2.00)

Rogue Squadron Launcher
- Adding the '-voodoo 3' switch at the end of the command line appears to be optional as I didn't need it to properly set up my Glide driver.

Updating the Registry
- As per pds41's previous post on this thread, you will most likely need to make a change in your registry:

1. Open Regedit (easiest way is to type regedit in the search bar).
2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC\Rogue Squadron\v1.0\
3. Look for a entry called VDEVICE. If you can't find then you'll need to right-click and choose New -> String Value in order to add it. Then double-click on VDEVICE and in the Value data field type in exactly: Voodoo (Glide)
4. Close the Registry Editor and reboot your computer (pds41 forgot to mention this and it was the only way I got the game to recognize this change).

Running the Game
- Be sure to run Rogue Squadron.exe as Administrator if you want any hope in hell of getting the game to launch with NGlide settings. :P

- When first starting the game, you will notice that the menus are in a fairly crappy low resolution. Going into the Video Settings shows that only 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 are available. Do not touch these! Doing so could muck up your settings and you'll probably have to reboot and/or reconfigure NGlide again to get things working properly.

- In your Video Settings, you should see Voodoo (Glide) in the Current Video Device box if all went well with your setup.

- When you click the Start button, the graphics from hereon in should no longer be crappy; the stages, ship selection, and gameplay should all now be outputting in the resolution you selected in NGlide.

Other Tips for Potential Issues

- Although running the game as Administrator should in theory resolve this, it's strongly recommended that you install this game outside of Windows-designated folders (e.g. Program Files). While some people have recommended installing this to the root of your C: drive, I was able to install it on a separate SSD that I have set up solely for games.

- If the game locks up, you will have to kill the process in Task Manager. Alt-F4 and Alt-Tab won't work due to the age of the game. You can apparently get around this by setting up D3DWindower (as previously mentioned, this is something I haven't delved into yet).

- If the game crashes while trying to make a selection in the game menus, try using only one method of control to access them the next time (i.e. either via keyboard, mouse, or joystick, but not a mix of 2 or more of these in the same session). This has helped me get through the menu and actually start a game.

- If you're having trouble getting your game controller / joystick to work, try pressing Ctrl+J. If that doesn't work then try temporarily putting Rogue Squadron.exe into Windows 98/ME compatibility mode. (If the compatibility option is greyed out then you may need to click a button labeled Change settings for all users first.) This should make the game recognize your controller. Afterwards, you should disable compatibility as this may cause instability. *UPDATE*: It appears that running the game in either Windows 95 or Windows 98/ME compatibility modes actually improve stability. See my follow-up reply for details.

- Some folks have recommended renaming Rogue Squadron.exe to something else, e.g. Rogue-Squardon.exe (note the dash in the filename). This didn't do anything to help me, but if you decide to go down this route then you will need to update the Executable value in your registry to reflect the new filename (see step 2 in the Updating the Registry section above for the location of this value)

- Some folks have mentioned that they have issues when running the game on systems with 2 or more monitors. I have a triple monitor setup but I haven't had any issues since I got this game working properly. It plays in fullscreen on my primary monitor, while my other 2 monitors continue to display my extended desktop.

- Regarding the camera zoom bug comment: "This bug is very old and not likely to be resolved immediately." Given the age of this game and the fact that the original Factor 5 developers have long since disbanded, it's likely this bug will never get resolved. Our only hope is for a skilled amateur programmer to come along and debug the code, which at this point (21 years after the fact) is not very likely.

<Phew!> Okay, I think that's all I've got for now. Good luck to those of you who are still trying to get this to work. I may try to get the D3DWindower version working next later on this week, and I'll add another post if I can identify any tips specific to that version.

Post edited April 16, 2019 by RedVisor
UPDATE: It appears that setting the compatibility mode to either Windows 95 or Windows98/ME greatly improves stability. I've played through 2-3 stages in a row, and so far no random crashes. The only caveat seems to be a sluggish main menu, but I'll take that over instability any day. :) Unfortunately, D3D Windower still seems to show the same problems as I've indicated below; i.e. it will work so long as you don't Alt-Tab or Alt-Enter, which will cause it to crash. A reboot will be necessary in order to get the game working again.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

Well, after spending some time trying to get D3DWindower working, I pretty much gave up. I followed Spinorial's instructions to download, install and setup the program, (BTW, his preferred link is dead so I had to go with his alternate, i.e. "Version 1"). However, the problems crept up right away. Like others here, attempting to start the game started the Launcher instead. Making a copy of Rogue Leader.exe as "Rogue-Leader.exe" helped in the short term, but ultimately I downloaded a no-CD crack so that I could finally start the game directly from the Launcher.

However, this didn't stop the game from crashing constantly, usually either right after the 3dfx logo or within the menu. I've seriously never seen a game so sensitive to crashing. Once it crashes, that's it; I have to restart my computer in order to get another working session again. I suspect there's some sort of memory bug in the background that's preventing the game to start up again. I think the only way to enjoy this game would be to build a Windows 98 PC (with a little inspiration from the Lazy Game Reviewer ;-) )

When I did get it to work, I can confirm that you can Alt-Tab out of the game, BUT once you do that, say goodbye to your gaming session as it crashes anyway, so there's really no point in using D3DWindower unless you really want to play it in a window (but even then I'm pretty sure it would crash if you clicked out of it).

So I went back to playing it with only the nGlide driver, and things were STILL pretty unstable. I'd be able to make it through a stage, but if I started a second one then I was almost guaranteed to crash somewhere in the middle of it. Most recently I was flying around in the Imperial Shipywards, and then BAM, I was kicked out of the game.

I think I may give up on this version of the game and go back to the N64 emulated version. Sure, the framerate is 20-30fps and the graphics take a hit, but the latest versions of the GlideN64 driver have really improved things to make the console version of the game look better than ever before. At least I still have what appears to be working PC versions of the other Star Wars games I used to play in the late 90s: Shadows of the Empire, Phantom Menace, Ep I Racer, and Battle for Naboo. Hopefully these games will be stable enough for me to play through them. :P

Post edited April 16, 2019 by RedVisor
Just adding my 2 cents. To me the easiest way to run these oldies is with the dgVoodoo 2 wrapper.

Anyway, all I needed to do was extract it all then plop the 3 DLL files from dgVoodoo 2's MS folder into the same folder as the game's exe files are located and finally drop dgVoodooCpl.exe in there as well and simply run it to configure the game.

If your antivirus blocks this exe it's a false positive, it is safe and very popular. My antivirus used to flag it but has fixed it since.

The settings I personally use are MAX resolution in the DX tab, as well as using the best virtual GPU option - dgVoodoo Virtual 3D Accelerated Card with 2048MB VRAM - then disabling the watermarks and whatever else I like enabling and you may or may not wish to, like 16xAF and 8xAA. In the general tab make sure you choose the Centered scaling mode, for some reason forcing 4:3 or other modes doesn't work (in the latest version at the time of writing) but Centered somehow makes it so. This could differ in later versions after this post so that's the setting you need to fiddle with in order to get the proper aspect ratio (round radar in-game).

When you first run the game you might need to go to the "Hardware Configuration" in the launcher, then "Change 3D Video Card" and select the dgVoodoo DirectX Wrapper. Or the game might automatically do that perceiving it as the only option.

Absolutely nothing else was needed, no compatibility mode settings or tweaks or other programs or whatever else.

The camera bug some people discuss where the view becomes way too distant as you play is maintained but I prefer the cockpit camera or the close-up camera right after the cockpit camera in the view cycle anyway so it's not a problem for me. Just make cycling the camera your first job after starting a level.

There is a way to use dgVoodoo 2 from a central location so you don't need to clone the exe in every game's folder (though you'll need to copy the relevant DLL files manually still) but you can figure that out yourselves if you want (or if you even have more games where it would work, currently I have Rogue Squadron 3D, MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries - which btw requires the VRAM to be set to 1024MB, it doesn't run with 2048 - and SWAT 3 installed so I've done that). This is just a short guide to play this game using simple steps anyone can manage if they know how to download and extract/move files.

I believe features like "Phong shading" I keep enabled don't actually work in these games, but they also don't break anything.

All of the above on a Windows 10 64 bit installation with an i7 CPU and GTX1080 GPU so definitely very far from what the game was originally intended to run on back in 1998 and yet dgVoodoo 2 makes it work and perform like a charm.

Moving on, the game is pretty fun, if nowhere near as polished and full featured as the GameCube sequels. I was surprised to find how easy it was to map any joystick or controller (though I was initially disappointed to find a joystick wasn't really suitable for the game given the deadzone you cannot change and other control quirks, it's fun with a gamepad).
Post edited December 24, 2019 by Al3xand3r
Al3xand3r: Anyway, this game is pretty fun, if nowhere near as polished and full featured as the GameCube sequels. I was surprised to find how easy it was to map any joystick or controller (though I was initially disappointed to find a joystick wasn't really suitable for the game given the deadzone you cannot change and other control quirks, it's fun with a gamepad).
The fixed deadzone was the norm for many games at the time, the X-wing games are the same and I guess it's for the fact that the average customer had probably some ultra-cheap plug&play stick without any kind of deadzone configuration, games that offered deadzone options were relatively uncommon (I remember only Freespace off the top of my head).
I always played it with a joystick and never had issues, it's perfectly playable and beatable with a joystick.
Post edited May 03, 2019 by Det_Bullock
Well I play the X-Wing games with a joystick, I don't remember the deadzone size even though I tried those very recently, but in this game the axis controls feel weird to me, not at all how I expect it to behave in PC flight/space games (even when I hold down the roll button which works as in the X-Wing games to toggle between yaw and roll functions). Somehow the controls seem more suited to what you expect out of a gamepad to my brain, maybe because I've played the sequels on GameCube. But sure, the deadzone and every other quirk is the same across all controllers anyway so technically it's doable with whatever one prefers.

If the X-Wing games had the controls configuration screen of this game that would have been soooo good though, I hate the defaults with the functions laid out all over the damn keyboard which I want to use in combination with the joystick, haha. Even Alliance which is the more modern game and at least allows you to configure the joystick nicely enough (though in a more convoluted method than this game still) doesn't let me reconfigure the keyboard as I want it to be.

Anyway I just posted to mention the method I used to get the game working fine on a modern PC with what in my experience was a far easier and more straightforward way than what I see suggested around here with different wrappers and compatibility modes and tweaks, I was fully prepared to follow the guides as presented but figured I'd give dgVoodoo2 a shot first as usual for oldies and it worked like a charm so I was happy with that. I have the game on Steam though, not gog, though I doubt it makes a difference (if anything the Steam version would be harder to get working than the other way around going by other releases).

As long as nobody comes in to say that there are indeed other differences that make the glide option superior. Though dgVoodoo2 has a glide wrapper also but I haven't tested it with this game to see if it works or if nglide would be the better choice in that case.
Post edited May 03, 2019 by Al3xand3r
Al3xand3r: Just adding my 2 cents. To me the easiest way to run these oldies is with the dgVoodoo 2 wrapper. I use version 2.55.4 from the "older versions" section as I had some trouble with the latest in SWAT 3 when I first tried to update it (I didn't test Rogue Squadron 3D at the time).

Anyway, all I needed to do was extract it all then plop the 3 DLL files from dgVoodoo 2's MS folder into the same folder as the game's exe files are located and finally drop dgVoodooCpl.exe in there as well and simply run it to configure the game.

If your antivirus blocks this exe it's a false positive, it is safe and very popular. My antivirus used to flag it but has fixed it since.

The settings I personally use are MAX resolution in the DX tab, as well as using the best virtual GPU option - dgVoodoo Virtual 3D Accelerated Card with 1024MB VRAM - then disabling the watermarks and whatever else I like enabling and you may or may not wish to, like 16xAF and 8xAA. In the general tab make sure maintain aspect is enabled, as the game is 4:3 only and a widescreen fill will just stretch it out and make it look quite wrong. Here are all my settings to make sure I didn't miss telling you about something.

When you first run the game you might need to go to the "Hardware Configuration" in the launcher, then "Change 3D Video Card" and select the dgVoodoo DirectX Wrapper. Or the game might automatically do that perceiving it as the only option.

Absolutely nothing else was needed, no compatibility mode settings or tweaks or other programs or whatever else.

Here are some screenshots of the game in action, I had no issues in any of the first 10 missions, so far.

The camera bug some people discuss where the view becomes way too distant as you play is maintained but I prefer the cockpit camera or the close-up camera right after the cockpit camera in the view cycle anyway so it's not a problem for me.

There is a way to use dgVoodoo 2 from a central location so you don't need to clone the exe in every game's folder (though you'll need to copy the relevant DLL files manually every time) but you can figure that out yourselves if you want (or if you even have more games where it would work, currently I only have Rogue Squadron 3D and SWAT 3 installed). This is a short guide to play this game using just a few simple steps anyone can manage if they know how to download and extract/copy/paste/open files.

I believe features like "Phong shading" I keep enabled don't actually work in these games, but they also don't break anything.

All of the above on a Windows 10 64 bit installation with an i7 CPU and GTX1080 GPU so definitely very far from what the game was originally intended to run on back in 1998 and yet dgVoodoo 2 makes it work and perform like a dream.

I see people recommending glide wrappers/modes all the time for this game, does glide offer any advantages over DX, does it maybe increase the draw distance or have other graphical changes, or is it simply because that was the first and therefor the most known way to get the game to run without crashing and other problems, which dgVoodoo2 appears to solve anyway?

Moving on, the game is pretty fun, if nowhere near as polished and full featured as the GameCube sequels. I was surprised to find how easy it was to map any joystick or controller (though I was initially disappointed to find a joystick wasn't really suitable for the game given the deadzone you cannot change and other control quirks, it's fun with a gamepad).
Out of everything I tried, your solution worked the best for me but I still can't run the game in an actual window (I want to livestream it while keeping the gamepad compatibility)