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Okay, I downloaded the zip version, the install.exe in it still claimed not valid 1.1.

So I went to do it manually by copying the files over, replacing files in destination. Then it errored when I launched it.
I need help getting FO to run on Win10.
I have installed STA2 and tried to install FO multiple Times now.
During the installation process, I got the mention that STA2 exe was found (with the correct path) and I also chose manually to direkt it to the folder (the no cd option).
Despite thatit claims that no cd is found, if I want to launch a FO Game.

I have tried all this with the unoffical patch and with the unoffical patch
- Installing FO in a subfolder of STA2
- Installing FO on C Harddrive (standard)
- Instaling FO on the same Harddrive as STA2, but not in a totally different folder
- Installing with and without media pack
- Checking if STA2 is working properly
- Leaving the Option to start on CD when Exe was found
- Manually choosing the exe folder

If someone got FO to run with the gog version. Could you please tell me your process? I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance
I can confirm I got the Fleet Ops Root mod installed and that works fine with just the GOG version, no effort required. I've managed to get the full Fleet Ops working now as I found my old disc image backup I made years ago from my Armada 2 CD, so I've mounted that with WinCDEmu and that's getting me past the CD check. I know it's not helpful if you don't have access to something like that, but just wanted to confirm it works.
Be, so great if one of you guys could, just kinda go in there and fix this whole CD check thing for Fleetops mod. That'd be great.
Thanks a lot! This allowed me to play the Fleet Ops mod without a CD! Man, the unmodded graphics have not aged well.
Got this from Fleet op main forum

Replace the Armada2.exe in the GoG install with the one in the FleetOp folder and it should work. using the ClassicA2 Mod and it fires up and on first fed mission, beyond that, will see
Darksidebob if you want FO to work you just do the opposite.

Install GOG A2

Install FO locating the GOG A2 files as your .exe

Replace the armada2.exe file in the FO folder with the one from the GOG folder

And voila. FO running on WIN 10 on a 240hz 1440p monitor, 32GB ran, RTX 3090, no crashes! For me anyway.
I did not proof read my post at all, why I said replace the exe from fleet ops into the gog version I have no idea.

Go go not checking what I wrote.

As AdmZaxxon has said, copy and paste the exe from gog folder into fleetop folder and whatever mods and your good to go.
Have you guys got the music working? From Gog install -> FO? Any help?

Below works perfectly for fleet ops with gog, just no music yet. thanks AdmZaxxxon.

Install GOG A2
Install FO locating the GOG A2 files as your .exe
Replace the armada2.exe file in the FO folder with the one from the GOG folder
And voila. FO running on WIN 10 on a 240hz 1440p monitor, 32GB ran, RTX 3090, no crashes!
Post edited January 01, 2022 by ejdallas44
ejdallas44: Have you guys got the music working? From Gog install -> FO? Any help?

Below works perfectly for fleet ops with gog, just no music yet. thanks AdmZaxxxon.

Install GOG A2
Install FO locating the GOG A2 files as your .exe
Replace the armada2.exe file in the FO folder with the one from the GOG folder
And voila. FO running on WIN 10 on a 240hz 1440p monitor, 32GB ran, RTX 3090, no crashes!
You have to download the multimedia pack for the music, which is a separate download from the base game.

Then just install it ontop of your already installed FO. :)
Hey Guys new gamer here love A2 but I been looking to play the FO mod and I'm stuck i dont know what to do or how to install FO in A2 from GOG correctly can someone share light on this, my installation is for win 10, hope you can help, much appreciate it!
Altair2379: Hey Guys new gamer here love A2 but I been looking to play the FO mod and I'm stuck i dont know what to do or how to install FO in A2 from GOG correctly can someone share light on this, my installation is for win 10, hope you can help, much appreciate it!
Sure thing!

Install A2 via GOG normally. Go ahead and launch A2 just to make sure it works. If everything works, go over to and download the FOSetup327.exe

Launch the program... next... agree... agree...pick your location for install or just use default... next... select "Existing Install" and then navigate to where GOG installed A2. Just find the folder, probably at C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Trek Armada II... hit next... and finish. You should have a shortcut on your desktop, and if not, launch FO from the directory you installed it in. Default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations.

If you try to run it just like that, you might get a No CD error. To fix this, navigate to where GOG installed A2 and copy the Armada2.exe file and use it to replace FleetOps/Data folder. Should work perfectly but go ahead and test it out.

Then if you want music, go back to and go download the multimedia pack and follow the instructions.
Altair2379: Hey Guys new gamer here love A2 but I been looking to play the FO mod and I'm stuck i dont know what to do or how to install FO in A2 from GOG correctly can someone share light on this, my installation is for win 10, hope you can help, much appreciate it!
AdmZaxxon: Sure thing!

Install A2 via GOG normally. Go ahead and launch A2 just to make sure it works. If everything works, go over to and download the FOSetup327.exe

Launch the program... next... agree... agree...pick your location for install or just use default... next... select "Existing Install" and then navigate to where GOG installed A2. Just find the folder, probably at C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Trek Armada II... hit next... and finish. You should have a shortcut on your desktop, and if not, launch FO from the directory you installed it in. Default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations.

If you try to run it just like that, you might get a No CD error. To fix this, navigate to where GOG installed A2 and copy the Armada2.exe file and use it to replace FleetOps/Data folder. Should work perfectly but go ahead and test it out.

Then if you want music, go back to and go download the multimedia pack and follow the instructions.
Thank you so much! it works perfectly, I am very grateful, any tips for playing online?
AdmZaxxon: Sure thing!

Install A2 via GOG normally. Go ahead and launch A2 just to make sure it works. If everything works, go over to and download the FOSetup327.exe

Launch the program... next... agree... agree...pick your location for install or just use default... next... select "Existing Install" and then navigate to where GOG installed A2. Just find the folder, probably at C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Trek Armada II... hit next... and finish. You should have a shortcut on your desktop, and if not, launch FO from the directory you installed it in. Default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations.

If you try to run it just like that, you might get a No CD error. To fix this, navigate to where GOG installed A2 and copy the Armada2.exe file and use it to replace FleetOps/Data folder. Should work perfectly but go ahead and test it out.

Then if you want music, go back to and go download the multimedia pack and follow the instructions.
Altair2379: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you so much! it works perfectly, I am very grateful, any tips for playing online?
Looks like people play via Teamspeak

Though I personally haven't played online in a decade. The methods we used back then nolonger exist haha.
So I replaced my FO Armada II executable with the one from the GOG folder and I get an access violation. Any workarounds or is this caused by an update to the GOG version?