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Time for another Review contest update. This time we picked two winning reviews from [url=]Pure Pinball 2.0's and Simon the Sorcerer 3D's catalogue pages. So, without further ado, I present the winners: Mosse and Pinchpenny. You'll find a promo code for a free games on your mailboxes ASAP, but first I'd like to remind all of you which titles will be subject to the next contest update. To cut a long story short, we expect a truckload of reviews for and [url=]Waxworks! :) You can find the rules in the reviews section, here.
Post edited December 11, 2008 by Firek
Sweet Jeebus! I didn't expect part 2 up so soon! Thank you so much GoG! I'll pick them both up as soon as I can. We need more Point-and-Click Adventure games, and this is a great start. :)
Post edited December 11, 2008 by doctorcdcs
But, I've not had enough time to get through Game #1 yet! :)
Simon 2 is the one I remember, sure they don't have Chris Barrie returning for the voice work, but it's still utter class.
Darkstar One: It reminded me of a Freelancer, but with a little more depth and greater size and scale of star systems. Worth looking at if you like that type of genre.
I'm absolutely loving these surprise releases. Keep it up guys.
Also, Darkstar One looks awesome. I'm not much of a gameplay fan of Freelancer-style games, but those venues are amazing.
Post edited December 11, 2008 by Castrum
Slow down, I still need to finish Fallout 2!
Nah,keep it up :)
If you are a fan of Freespace check out Dark Star One when it comes out. A good space sim that slipped under the radars.
And man, I just need a bundle of cash to fall from the sky so I can check out all these awesome games.
You guys really need a wishlist feature so I can ask for some of this stuff for Christmas. Or like Sally in Peanuts I could just ask for $10's and $20's.
Yeah... wish i could ask my family for some of these for christmas...
Darkstar one always looked interesting.... but anyone know how it plays with a Mouse?
Space sims used to be my favorite genre, but after trying to play freespace2 with a mouse or a gamepad, i discovered that its just no fun. And it turns out to be essentially impossible to buy PC joysticks in Tokyo...
Firek: The way I see it, the game was designed to be played with a mouse. :) Your guns are pintle-mounted and you use your mouse not only to turn your ship, but also aim them. Kind of like combining Freespace with Virtua Cop. Good stuff.

So it's control scheme is similar to Freelancer? People complained about the mouse only scheme, but i personally had no problems with how it played. If that's the case with this game, then I might pick that up as well when it gets released.
edit: boy, am I dumb. The title sounded familiar to me, but i didn't realize why that was untill now.
I bought a mega pack (I think it was the strategy first pack) on steam a while ago, and Darkstar One is one of the titles that was included. I gotta keep track of what I buy on steam and GoG so I don't end up buying the same titles on different distribution platforms.
Post edited December 11, 2008 by doctorcdcs
i've heard mixed things about darkstar, but since it'll probably be cheap i'll probably get is as i'm a large space sim fan
Darkstar One, for $10? I was thinking of getting that. Thanks for helping me out, GoG!
soulgrindr: And it turns out to be essentially impossible to buy PC joysticks in Tokyo...

I've had the same problem, and I'm going to Akihabara today to look for one. I'll let you know if I find a good place, but right now I'm thinking Super Potato, and if they fail me I'll look around the small places...
EDIT: Super Potato came through :-) I'm happy with my new (actually, 2nd hand) joystick :-)
Post edited December 19, 2008 by j0hn