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I keep getting issues with the game whereby game.exe crashes. It mainly happens towards the ending stages of the longer missions - basically, it seems to be when there's lots of stuff in the level.

I can reload the game and it will either work for a few turns or crash out again. I then get into a quicksave crawl over the finish line.

In Windows event viewer I have the fault exception code as 0xc0000005 and the EventID as 1000. Any help would be most appreciated.

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I have the same problem

Windows 7 - 64 bit. Radeon HD 7850.

What gives?
Sadly the same problem. Had really been enjoying until late in a large map, but the crashes have rendered this fine game unplayable past this point. Also Win 7 64 bit. 8 gig RAM.

Any solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Sure as hell won't buy this game until this is fixed. Already got burned on the UFO trilogy.
Same problem here...
Vista 32, 4 GB Ram.
Please help!
What graphics card do you guys use and which driver version?
If its crashing on large levels then GFX card or driver may be the issue.
Could try updating the driver if its available.
atkes: What graphics card do you guys use and which driver version?
If its crashing on large levels then GFX card or driver may be the issue.
Could try updating the driver if its available.
Good suggestion, but to no avail unfortunately.
ATI Radeon HD 5700 series, driver is 19/12/2012

S3 is unaffected seemingly...
Post edited February 21, 2013 by arvski
I may have found a fix for this. I could not get through the UK Warehouse mission. Towards the end of the battle it kept crashing. Reload and scroll too far, crash. Reload and try a few turns, crash.

I deleted the special d3d9.dll file that was discussed here:

and here:

Sure, it eliminated shadows but lack of shadows seemed to be a small price to pay. I started the mission again and never had a crash. I started the mission from the beginning because I got disgusted the first time and uninstalled the game. Then I remembered this special d3d9.dll file, reinstalled without it, and started that mission form the old save that I kept. Not one little problem from then on.
Post edited May 04, 2013 by Kank
The file in the refraction thread does not exist anymore. I will reinstall this game and try to play once a patch or the file will be back online. The other workarounds i found online are awful (i am done cracking and edit hexadecimal since 15 years...)
I know this is an old thread but I thought I'd update and let everyone know that unfortunately, the problem still exists as of this writing.

I'm running Win7x64 w/ Radeon 7950. I've tried with both the GOG supplied d3d9.dll and the (now old) patched one. The game crashes with either version of the dll. As the OP stated, the crashes generally only occur at the end of long missions, typically (and very irritatingly!) toward the end.

The first mission where you face Panzerkleins and the one in Switzerland (also facing PKs) are the culprits for me so far. Although it's just been the 2 missions where I've faced PKs, that may just be a coincidence.

The game is AMAZING and if you're a Jagged Alliance 2 fan then it's a MUST PLAY. The catch is that if you own a Radeon card, you may be frustrated.

I'm continuing to fiddle with both in-game video options and also driver settings. If I have any luck, I'll post here. Otherwise, Caveat Emptor.


I seem to have it working again. A save game (late in the Swiss mission) that crashed every time within about 30 seconds no longer crashes. I've stayed on that mission for about 45 mins so far to test and so far... so good.

All I did in the end was turn all graphics settings to low *except* resolution. While shadows were gone (no biggie) the graphics looked just fine otherwise (I'd had them maxed previously).

So, for anyone looking for a solution. If you run into this issue, try setting graphics to low and see if you can finish the mission that way.

Once again, I'll update with more info if I run into problems again. Otherwise, I hope this does the trick!
Post edited April 29, 2014 by Psiborg
Mccy_McFlinn: Hello,

I keep getting issues with the game whereby game.exe crashes. It mainly happens towards the ending stages of the longer missions - basically, it seems to be when there's lots of stuff in the level.

I can reload the game and it will either work for a few turns or crash out again. I then get into a quicksave crawl over the finish line.

In Windows event viewer I have the fault exception code as 0xc0000005 and the EventID as 1000. Any help would be most appreciated.

Hello, sorry, no solution. Playing Nov2015. Same crashing issues. I regret buying the game
Kank: I may have found a fix for this. I could not get through the UK Warehouse mission. Towards the end of the battle it kept crashing. Reload and scroll too far, crash. Reload and try a few turns, crash.

I deleted the special d3d9.dll file that was discussed here:
Great find and thanks for sharing. It seems to be working for me.

2018 and GOG is still selling an unstable version of this game. Careless and disrespectful of their customers.