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Nirth: Source
Another "GOG gets left behind" episode... I have it on Steam as well as GOG and was really surprised to see it running at a choppy 30FPS on GOG... so lame
The problem persists... Last update on GOG (July 2018) it's still 30 FPS
Lobuno: The problem persists... Last update on GOG (July 2018) it's still 30 FPS
Doesn't surprise me. The "get-stuck-in-the-wall" glitch still occurs on the GOG version as well. I'm really annoyed about that because it just destroyed my run through the last level of the game. I'd managed to get to the last room without getting hit at all, but then the grappling hook swung me into a wall and I got stuck beneath the entire building. Because this level doesn't have any checkpoints either, it means I need to restart what was looking like a perfect run.
Post edited January 11, 2019 by DeadPoolX