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New game mode added, but no mention that they'll be bringing it to GOG purchasers.
IAmSinistar: New game mode added, but no mention that they'll be bringing it to GOG purchasers.
Yes, I wondered at that when I got the email. If they do not bring it to GOG, that would be a.) complete bullshit on their part and b.) a very bad precedent.
Got the same e-mail as you, IAmSinistar (as did probably all the owners of the game on GOG, since we had to register with FlipFly in order to play the game online), and it's a bit worrying. This is mostly speculation on my part, but I seem to recall the devs doing a post-mortem of the game and claiming it wasn't making enough money. I wonder if they abandoned GOG because the game wasn't selling enough over here...

EDIT: Nevermind, Judas confirmed this update will be coming to GOG. :)
Post edited February 03, 2015 by groze
groze: EDIT: Nevermind, Judas confirmed this update will be coming to GOG. :)
Yes, thankfully we'll get the update. It's just a matter of the devs not thinking GOG is worth mentioning, which is offensive in and of itself.