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Hello everyone,

I do experience reproducible microlag (like stuttering slow motion for several seconds) and narrowed it down to situations when the tires are smoking. The graphics quality settings make no difference, the effect occurs on highest down to lowest settings (basic and advanced). Apart from this, the game runs completely smooth even on highest settings.

My system: Athlon II X3 435, 8 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 660, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit

Today I found out by accident that the smoke-lag only occurs using the hood cam. On all other camera modes, the lag doen't happen. (??) Alas, my preferred camera mode is the hood cam. :-( At least there is the bumper cam, although it's only the second-best choice for me.

So, if you're experiencing smoke-lag playing in hood view, try to change the camera.

Any help is appreciated.


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V4V: Hello everyone,

I do experience reproducible microlag (like stuttering slow motion for several seconds) and narrowed it down to situations when the tires are smoking. The graphics quality settings make no difference, the effect occurs on highest down to lowest settings (basic and advanced). Apart from this, the game runs completely smooth even on highest settings.

My system: Athlon II X3 435, 8 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 660, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit

Today I found out by accident that the smoke-lag only occurs using the hood cam. On all other camera modes, the lag doen't happen. (??) Alas, my preferred camera mode is the hood cam. :-( At least there is the bumper cam, although it's only the second-best choice for me.

So, if you're experiencing smoke-lag playing in hood view, try to change the camera.

Any help is appreciated.



I had the same problem with a configuration slighty similar.

I succeeded to solve the problem by lowering the FSAA. That's a real pity but it seems to be the sole solution in order to obtain an adequate solution.

I don't understand why it affects so much the game? It could be a matter of graphic card but you have a GeForce and I have an ATI one so...

Good luck!
V4V: Hello everyone,


So, if you're experiencing smoke-lag playing in hood view, try to change the camera.

Any help is appreciated.

Hello V4V,

I have found another solution better than the old one ;-)

You have to find then to open your folder CODEMASTERS (usually in the Documents part).
Then you will find a file, hardware_settings_config.
Inside, you must change the following line : <particles enabled="true" collisions="true" max="5000" />.

At this point, you have two options :
1) to put "false" to particles or collisions enabled (for my part, the problem was mainly about particles from collisions)
2) to lower the number of particles in order to solve the problem without to supress the FX effects (for example, try 2000).

Before everything, make a backup of this file! ^^

Now I haven't none problem of micro-lags. And more, I can raise my FSAA to X2 without having freezing.

Post edited March 02, 2014 by Yanx