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tinyE: STOOPID question.
Someone told me they thought the knife "insta kill" was a bug and was in the process of being phased out.

Is this true?
tinyE: STOOPID question.
Someone told me they thought the knife "insta kill" was a bug and was in the process of being phased out.

Is this true?
Lin545: Whaaaat?
I don't believe it either, but it's something I heard and I'm looking into it.

The devs of this game have bent over backwards to listen to fan concerns and questions so at least we know if it is true they will listen to us and perhaps rethink their decision.

Of course, like I said, it might be all a bunch of BS someone got bored and made up.
tinyE: I don't believe it either, but it's something I heard and I'm looking into it.

The devs of this game have bent over backwards to listen to fan concerns and questions so at least we know if it is true they will listen to us and perhaps rethink their decision.

Of course, like I said, it might be all a bunch of BS someone got bored and made up.
Well I wont object if they add a chance that knive stab attack upclose would instead push zed away, in similar fashion to ranged knife stab.... But only if they increase chances of knives and axes to appear on zeds. Its currently quite rare and this includes knives....
To be sure, you don't need to boil water to water plants do you?
tinyE: To be sure, you don't need to boil water to water plants do you?
Nope, you don't :)