Update 1.400.0
– Player requested modifications and improvements
Frequently requested interventions to citizens exodus, homeless situations, ease of use for ingame panels and more...
Greetings Patrons!
Update being released today is a direct response to several leads provided by players. These leads indicates difficulties with people shifting homes or leaving the town, then needed improvements to some management panels, calculation and displaying of certain productions, more optimization etc…
When situation arises that your citizens have reasons to start leaving the town, they won't leave abruptly and in high numbers, so managing their needs should be easier. Previoulsy set up trade deals in harbors will now display a simple summary (on mouse hover), so it will be easier to keep track or your trade routes, especially if you have multiple harbors. FPS limiter has been added to options for those that requested it.
One more detail for all players that like planning and flawless execution in city organization - if you misplace the building, or change your mind where you want it - all invested resources will now be reimbursed in full if you remove the building before it is fully finished.
Based on your logs and other information provided by players, several more areas of gameplay have been identified that need to be modified. Some of these things are a little bit more extensive, and didn’t make it to this update, but are in the works already. To give you access to some improvements as soon as possible, we’ll be dividing the update in two parts. First part is today, and the second one will be in a few weeks.
Highlights of version 1.400.0. :
- ADDED: Harbor summary: when you hover mouse over any harbor, you’ll see a summary data for current automated trade setups
- ADDED: FPS limiter option
- ADDED: If yet unfinished building is destroyed, 100% of invested resources is returned
- TWEAKED: Balance for people leaving town modified. They won’t leave too fast and too abruptly anymore
- FIXED: When farm is selected, ESC key now works properly, in the following order: shutting down crop selection first, then icon for building additions, then game and initiating game menu
- MODIFIED: When citizens start demanding better housing (upgraded houses), correct notification will be displayed (not the incorrect homeless warning)
- MODIFIED: More precise display of production for some buildings. Buildings that require less then 50 resource units yearly for production, now show correct values
We wish the administration of your medieval city will be a little bit easier now, and until next update!
Thanks for every and each piece of feedback, and for every data file you provide us. It all helps nailing down next steps with these updates!
Govern on!