Xul666: Thanks for the info. I just discovered the MKSETUP.CMD. I'm fine using the keyboard raw mappings. One challenge i'm now having is that the mappings dont cover player 1 or 2 start and select. I've mapped everything out but my z botton is now also a duplicate with player 2 start button. Any ideas welcomed. Thanks
CheesusWept: You can also adjust which keys map to which actual keys in MKTRIL.MAP. The key on the left is what key the game thinks you are pressing. The data on the right is the keys being mapped to it. It is a little tricky.
After some trial and error, here's the mapping for anyone who is using the default IPAC keys. I dont think a 'select' button is defined here but I could be wrong.
hand_pause "key 72 mod2"
hand_restart "key 74 mod1 mod2"
hand_fullscr "key 40 mod2"
hand_shutdown "key 41"
hand_scrshot "key 61"
hand_video "key 62"
hand_cycledown "key 68"
hand_cycleup "key 69"
key_up "stick_0 axis 1 0" "stick_0 hat 0 1" "key 82"
key_down "stick_0 axis 1 1" "stick_0 hat 0 4" "key 81"
key_left "stick_0 axis 0 0" "stick_0 hat 0 8" "key 80"
key_right "stick_0 axis 0 1" "stick_0 hat 0 2" "key 79"
key_kp_1 "stick_0 button 0" "key 89"
key_kp_2 "stick_0 button 5" "key 90" "stick_0 axis 5 1"
key_kp_3 "stick_0 button 1" "key 29"
key_kp_4 "stick_0 button 2" "key 92"
key_kp_5 "stick_0 button 4" "key 93" "stick_0 axis 4 1"
key_kp_6 "stick_0 button 3" "key 94"
key_kp_7 "stick_0 button 6" "key 95"
key_enter "stick_0 button 7" "key 30"
key_w "stick_1 axis 1 0" "stick_1 hat 0 1" "key 26"
key_s "stick_1 axis 1 1" "stick_1 hat 0 4" "key 22"
key_a "stick_1 axis 0 0" "stick_1 hat 0 8" "key 4"
key_d "stick_1 axis 0 1" "stick_1 hat 0 2" "key 7"
key_g "stick_1 button 0" "key 10"
key_u "stick_1 button 3" "key 24"
key_j "stick_1 button 1" "key 13"
key_y "stick_1 button 4" "key 28" "stick_1 axis 4 1"
key_h "stick_1 button 5" "key 11" "stick_1 axis 5 1"
key_t "stick_1 button 2" "key 23"
key_x "stick_1 button 6" "key 27"
key_z "stick_1 button 7" "key 31"
key_f1 "key 58"
key_f2 "key 59"
key_f3 "key 60"
mod_1 "key 224" "key 228"
mod_2 "key 226" "key 230"
mod_3 "key 227" "key 231"
key_q "key 20"
key_c "key 6"
key_1 "key 30"
key_2 "key 31"
key_3 "key 32"
key_4 "key 33"
key_5 "key 34"
key_6 "key 35"
key_7 "key 36"
key_8 "key 37"
key_9 "key 38"
key_0 "key 39"
key_period "key 55"
key_bspace "key 42"
key_f6 "key 63"
key_f7 "key 64"
key_f8 "key 65"
key_f9 "key 66"
key_f10 "key 67"
key_grave "key 53"
key_minus "key 45"
key_equals "key 46"
key_bspace "key 42"
key_tab "key 43"
key_e "key 8"
key_r "key 21"
key_t "key 23"
key_i "key 12"
key_o "key 18"
key_p "key 19"
key_lbracket "key 47"
key_rbracket "key 48"
key_enter "key 40"
key_capslock "key 57"
key_f "key 9"
key_k "key 14"
key_l "key 15"
key_semicolon "key 51"
key_quote "key 52"
key_backslash "key 49"
key_lshift "key 225"
key_lessthan "key 100"
key_v "key 25"
key_b "key 5"
key_n "key 17"
key_m "key 16"
key_comma "key 54"
key_slash "key 56"
key_rshift "key 229"
key_lctrl "key 224"
key_lgui "key 227"
key_lalt "key 226"
key_space "key 44"
key_ralt "key 230"
key_rgui "key 231"
key_rctrl "key 228"
key_printscreen "key 70"
key_scrolllock "key 71"
key_pause "key 72"
key_insert "key 73"
key_home "key 74"
key_pageup "key 75"
key_delete "key 76"
key_end "key 77"
key_pagedown "key 78"
key_numlock "key 83"
key_kp_divide "key 84"
key_kp_multiply "key 85"
key_kp_minus "key 86"
key_kp_8 "key 96"
key_kp_9 "key 97"
key_kp_plus "key 87"
key_kp_enter "key 88"
key_kp_0 "key 98"
key_kp_period "key 99"