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Starting the game for the first time, after the cut scene, the EULA pops up, however the dialog is so large that I can't see the bottom of it to click the Yes button. I tried using keyboard navigation to accept, but it also doesn't work.

I am running three screens for a total fullscreen resolution of 5760x1080 on Windows 10.

My solution to get past this issue to play the game was:
Open regedit, and find the "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wargaming\Master Of Orion" key, and there I was able to set a single screen resolution and disable fullscreen by editing Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode_h3981298716 and Screenmanager Resolution Width_h182942802.

Then when the EULA appeared, I could see the Yes and No buttons. I noticed that I could use the arrow keys with focus on the scrollbar to select the No button, but there didn't seem to be a keyboard method of highlighting Yes. However the mouse was able to click the button at this resolution.
privateer1993: Starting the game for the first time, after the cut scene, the EULA pops up, however the dialog is so large that I can't see the bottom of it to click the Yes button. I tried using keyboard navigation to accept, but it also doesn't work.

I am running three screens for a total fullscreen resolution of 5760x1080 on Windows 10.

My solution to get past this issue to play the game was:
Open regedit, and find the "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wargaming\Master Of Orion" key, and there I was able to set a single screen resolution and disable fullscreen by editing Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode_h3981298716 and Screenmanager Resolution Width_h182942802.

Then when the EULA appeared, I could see the Yes and No buttons. I noticed that I could use the arrow keys with focus on the scrollbar to select the No button, but there didn't seem to be a keyboard method of highlighting Yes. However the mouse was able to click the button at this resolution.
Well this is a new one, I'll make sure to pass it on to the right team.
privateer1993: Starting the game for the first time, after the cut scene, the EULA pops up, however the dialog is so large that I can't see the bottom of it to click the Yes button. I tried using keyboard navigation to accept, but it also doesn't work.

I am running three screens for a total fullscreen resolution of 5760x1080 on Windows 10.

My solution to get past this issue to play the game was:
Open regedit, and find the "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wargaming\Master Of Orion" key, and there I was able to set a single screen resolution and disable fullscreen by editing Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode_h3981298716 and Screenmanager Resolution Width_h182942802.

Then when the EULA appeared, I could see the Yes and No buttons. I noticed that I could use the arrow keys with focus on the scrollbar to select the No button, but there didn't seem to be a keyboard method of highlighting Yes. However the mouse was able to click the button at this resolution.
Couldn't you just disable the 2 monitors for 30 sec?
Hey privateer1993,

Thank you for reporting this issue!

This is a new issue and definitely a unique one. We're glad to hear that you've found a workaround to progress past the EULA.

I've forwarded the information you have provided to the development team to have them look into the issue.