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Now, this game is legendary for being buggy, with beta patch fixing some bugs and introducing additional, even nastier ones.
What about GOG version? Was some additional patching performed? Was it reconfigured in some miraculous way in order to increase stability? Or is it released "as was", keeping all the bugs in order to preserve original look&feel?
If GOG testers confirm it runs smoothly, that'd be an answer enough :).
Post edited July 23, 2009 by Elwin
This question / problem has been solved by greyhuntrimage
Elwin: Now, this game is legendary for being buggy, with beta patch fixing some bugs and introducing additional, even nastier ones.
What about GOG version? Was some additional patching performed? Was it reconfigured in some miraculous way in order to increase stability? Or is it released "as was", keeping all the bugs in order to preserve original look&feel?
If GOG testers confirm it runs smoothly, that'd be an answer enough :).

Actually, my experience with the Special edition of the game was quite good. Pre-SE it was a mess, but the SE version was quite bug free.
Post edited July 23, 2009 by Crassmaster
Elwin: Now, this game is legendary for being buggy, with beta patch fixing some bugs and introducing additional, even nastier ones.
What about GOG version? Was some additional patching performed? Was it reconfigured in some miraculous way in order to increase stability? Or is it released "as was", keeping all the bugs in order to preserve original look&feel?
If GOG testers confirm it runs smoothly, that'd be an answer enough :).

The Specail Edition is 3.00, quite a lot more stable than the 2.x, I'd even say for the most part its bug free. If you disagree there is a beta 3.01 patch out there as well as a fan made 3.02 (which requires 3.01. ;) )
Yeah, the SE is very stable compared to the original version. YOu shouldn't have many problems with it.
Thanks guys :).
If you have Windows 7, run the game in Compatibility mode Windows XP - Service Pack 3. Disable or close any programs that are likey to create pop-up messages from the Taskbar. Doing these two things will keep the number of errors or crashes to a minimum.

In my last post I am referring to the version of Lords of the Realm: Royal Edition sold on
Post edited March 11, 2013 by masag69