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Did you know there was a lords2 editor that let you put the castles from the siege pack into the full game. Great for multi play. Also it allows you to change the start date and size of armies.

There is also a castle editor but I only have a demo version.
I bought Lords 2 on this site but i don't know what this 'siege' pack you speak of is?

Also i would love a castle editor..... but then again, we all know the best secret locations to stand and defend the current designs, why spoil that?
Oh, I would absolutely love castle editor!
Back in the day, when I played this a lot I had actually drawn some pretty crazy castle designs on paper...

I also remember I learned to take existing (in game) castles from the AI with no more than 25 swordsman lost, with minimum force and regardless of defenders... in crazy boring long sniping battles... (if I remember right the "Moat & Bailey" was only exception where it not worked well)
Post edited May 03, 2015 by Enneagon