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Not really. I'd say it's IWD2 to the BG series.
It plays similarly to Arcanum, but I didn't like that game so...
It's a great game, a little slow at the start and hurried at the end, but I like it. Recommended!
For people looking for reviews on this one, here's Gamerankings -- with plenty of reviews linked there.
I bought it when it first came out and loved the first half of the game. You could tell Black Isle's influence on the options and quests but it really falls apart towards the end. The game was rushed out unfinished and the promises of a big patch with the missing content were ignored after it bombed in retail. It's worth the $6 and really fun for a number of hours. It would be like playing BG2 if BG2 ended when you leave the city after the huge Chapter 2 .
I saw this in stores when it came out, but never bought it and forgot all about it until seeing this thread. Might give it a shot at $6.
ChiliDawg: I saw this in stores when it came out, but never bought it and forgot all about it until seeing this thread. Might give it a shot at $6.

Though, I forgot about this one until I saw GOG had it on its list of games available.
It was like a big "Oh yeah..."
Post edited September 11, 2008 by MysterD
Lionheart... That game had potencial. It was so wasted! So I have to agree with others: great start, awful end. I never played this game trough. It may be worth $6, but who would bother buing it, when Fallouts are around?
Fenixp: Lionheart... That game had potencial. It was so wasted! So I have to agree with others: great start, awful end. I never played this game trough. It may be worth $6, but who would bother buing it, when Fallouts are around?

I did! I used my free pass for it. It's far from awful, it just has a case of identity crisis. The worst issue, of course, is that trying to play anything other than a warrior is a waste of time. That was the biggest error, in my opinion.
Now if I could just get it to run smoothly...
The main problem with Lionheart for me is the tedium. Walk, walk, walk, quick travel, walk, get killed, walk, walk, join faction, walk, stab, walk, walk.
Reviews are all across the board, but I had my free interplay game coupon, and I love black isle so I bought it. Here's hoping it's good.
would be nice to see the 'missing' content come out for this one... or if some (very) large amounts of fan-patches were made.
I enjoyed lionheart at the beginning the story and the alterative history made an interesting game and the first half of the game played well a good deal of quests.
Later on you could tell it was rushed out too soon. Think it was about time interplay had major cash issues or something as black isle saddly went after that.
I still play the game on occasion it does hold a certain charm.
I enjoyed the game, despite the questionable game mechanics. The setting, music, and initial quests impressed me, although I'll have to admit that I stopped playing about two thirds in.
i completely agree with the opinions above
- playing anything other than warrior is a waste, early game you could probly get through it with difficulty, but if you want to make endgame only warriors are viable
- intriguing story of alternate history, and the quest variables are very well done for an older game - such as wanting to get something out of Shakespeare takes alot of doing things in the proper order.
- the initial quests are awesome, and after halfway in the game it slides downhill rapidly. the later game has a serious lack of storyline, and side quests, and there is much less to do outside of the linear storyline - especially when compared to the extensive 1st half of game.
it might be work the $6 if only to re-play this cool game with magic & Leonardo DaVinci in alternate history Spain
Let me add my agreement.
The first half of the game, I thought wow, this was pretty good. Why all the bad reviews?
Now I am almost done with the second half.
This should be called:
"Lionheart: A Tale of Two Games"
I played it through with a mage.. It took ages.. After every fight I did something else while my mana recharged.. I smoked a lot, I watched some TV, made some food.. All in all I think the last half of the game did uncurable damage to my health.. But the first part was ok..