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this has been a Forkin freeware since 1993.
high rated
That isn't true. Sierra only released it as a free download for a limited time while holding on to all the rights to it. That download isn't available any more, nor has it been for a very long time. (Since at least the Vivendi acquisition.)
This isn't like Ur-Quan Masters or Beneath a Steel Sky or other games that have been officially released as freeware and\or open source. Sierra never gave up their rights or control over it. Versions of it available to download online are no more legal than any other "abandonware."
And even if you have no moral qualms about illegally downloading it from abandonware sites . . . you'd still need to make it run on modern operating systems. GOG fixes the game so you don't have to mess with DOSbox or mounting it or downloading patches. Some of us are willing to pay for a smooth game experience.
Also, wasn't the freeware version inferior because it was based on the floppy and not the CD?
Yea countersweet, your just a silly boy.
Also making things work on modern systems is easy. Just google 'Dos Box' Silly. And it wouldn't quite matter if it did require a floppy because you can run and boot al lthat up IN DOSBox :\
EDIT: Also, i can see your a fan of Yahtzee's games! :3
Post edited March 30, 2010 by Fubb
shakantala: And even if you have no moral qualms about illegally downloading it from abandonware sites . . . you'd still need to make it run on modern operating systems. GOG fixes the game so you don't have to mess with DOSbox or mounting it or downloading patches. Some of us are willing to pay for a smooth game experience.
Also, wasn't the freeware version inferior because it was based on the floppy and not the CD?

Not only it was the floppy version, but it also was more buggy than the retail version.
"And it wouldn't quite matter if it did require a floppy because you can run and boot al lthat up IN DOSBox :\ "
No, I didn't mean that it required a floppy, but rather that it was based on the floppy disc version, which was different than the CD version.
countersweet: this has been a Forkin freeware since 1993.

Maybe check your facts next time ?
- Betrayal at Krondor was released free to play, *not* as freeware.
- the 'free' version is less than 10 meg, the version on GOG version is 104 meg. As stated previously, floppy disk versus CD versions.
Post edited March 30, 2010 by Kezardin
low rated
well well what do we have, a bunch of gog fanboys
countersweet: this has been a Forkin freeware since 1993.

Your self-serving idea is in conflict with the legal situation. The rights-holder is no longer giving the game for free. It really is that simple.
countersweet: this has been a Forkin freeware since 1993.

Whilst its easy to get any software running in DOSBox, getting it to run without things going wrong and most importantly, at the right speed is very very difficult.
Betrayal At Krondor runs very slow in DOSBox unless you know how to tweak it. It was also never on the fully compliant list of games.
I'd much rather pay a small amount and have the DOSBox configured by those that have a fair amount of expertise on it.
Furthermore, the free version is on the floppy disk version.
you get so caled 'freeware'.
I got the gog veron and suport when neded.
I have no problems whit gog verson of this game so far. Thanks gog.
But geting used to this game quite hard game killed alot learn to save save and save.
high rated
countersweet: this has been a Forkin freeware since 1993.

If you're going to spread lies, at least get your facts right. It wasn't until 1997 for a limited time only that it was available for free.
Why don't you just steal everything, and kindly admit you're wrong. You come across like the world's most spoiled brat throwing a tantrum because you can't have your candy.
countersweet: well well what do we have, a bunch of gog fanboys

Fuck off, troll.
countersweet: this has been a Forkin freeware since 1993.

Aside from this being incorrect, why in the world would you give the GAME a bad rating just because of what you perceive as a failing of the site?
I'm thinking about buying BAK, and I remember downloading it from a long time ago, but I also remember it being a few Mb, as opposed to the GOG version which is almost a Gb. I'm wondering what the difference is.
(Someone already mentioned the difference between CD version and Floppy version, but what does that mean exactly?)


I found out on another thread
Post edited October 16, 2010 by Serghuio