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Ehm, before meeting the baliv, I've thought to do some side quests.

So, after a boring excursion in a forest to catch some stupid bird I return to Rattay, bring the traps to the guy and...


I can't skip the sequence, open the menu, exit from the game. I only can restart my PC.

Anyone with this same issue? Is there a solution or have we just waiting for the next patch?
Post edited March 05, 2018 by visconteprimus
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Yup have the same problem, no idea how to fix it. Hope for the next patch to do.
F200: Yup have the same problem, no idea how to fix it. Hope for the next patch to do.
Aw, how annoying! I've even tried saving via Savior Shnapps at Rattay's Gate, a moment before to speak with Berthold and nothing!

Any news about next patch's release date?
Sometime this week i hope.
Ok, then.
I had a different issue with this quest, and had to start from an earlier save, but was successfully able to complete it.

My issue was that if you drop 2/3 traps, then retrieve them later, you can't place the last trap. Well, you can, but it suddenly disappears from the world, though it shows up on the map. So at the very least, this quest is definitely buggy. Which kinda describes the game as a whole, though still enjoyable.
DyukuFurido: I had a different issue with this quest, and had to start from an earlier save, but was successfully able to complete it.

My issue was that if you drop 2/3 traps, then retrieve them later, you can't place the last trap. Well, you can, but it suddenly disappears from the world, though it shows up on the map. So at the very least, this quest is definitely buggy. Which kinda describes the game as a whole, though still enjoyable.
Woah... Well, on the official Forum, I've discovered a quite funny thing: even when KCD was in a pre-release condition, that same damned quest was still buggy! I've just read a post about it, written by a backer.

Ok, I'm not sure if it's the right way but it worked for me.

I've completely restarted the quest, reloading a previous save.

After Berthold has sent me in the forest, I've placed all the traps and I've awaited for an hour.

Quickly, picked up the three small cages, I've run to meet Berthold.

It was evening but nevermind: I've simply made some noise outside his house.

So Berthold's AI has helped me. The NPC came out of the door to check what's happening.

Starts the dialogue and... Got it! Finally he has told me his final line.

Quest achieved.

Tell me if this works also for you, guys.
Post edited March 06, 2018 by visconteprimus
My third trap also disappeared, but I'd made some unsaved quest progress elsewhere and didn't want to undo all that. Are there any console commands available to fix this?

I tried leaving, sleeping, and returning, but the trap was still gone and the nightengale had respawned and was singing away. The trap remains marked as set on the map...
virulain: My third trap also disappeared, but I'd made some unsaved quest progress elsewhere and didn't want to undo all that. Are there any console commands available to fix this?

I tried leaving, sleeping, and returning, but the trap was still gone and the nightengale had respawned and was singing away. The trap remains marked as set on the map...
Mmm, have you tried placing all three traps and then wait for an hour?

Because I believe traps' issue is triggered by placing one trap at time, waiting for that stupid bird.
visconteprimus: snip
Okay I did this last night and it's probably the safest (only) way at the moment. I was about to start my own thread but saw yours.
Basically you have to do the quest in one swoop without exiting the game after catching the birds.

I went and set the traps all at once. Didn't need to wait an hour, as each trap was filled by the time I ran back and forth between them.

Go straight the the quest giver and hand it in. Don't side-track yourself with anything, just get it done.

If it's night you can wait, as long as you don't exit the game in the meantime. Exiting the game causes the conversation to hang indefinitely.
visconteprimus: snip
micktiegs_8: If it's night you can wait, as long as you don't exit the game in the meantime. Exiting the game causes the conversation to hang indefinitely.
Mmm, not in my case. The only difference for me, was the last time I've not slept in the small camp in the forest (the one near those old ruin).

So, maybe, even sleeping is an action to avoid.
Post edited March 09, 2018 by visconteprimus
micktiegs_8: If it's night you can wait, as long as you don't exit the game in the meantime. Exiting the game causes the conversation to hang indefinitely.
visconteprimus: Mmm, not in my case. The only difference for me, was the last time I've not slept in the small camp in the forest (the one near those old ruin).

So, maybe, even sleeping is an action to avoid.
Maybe because it saves the game when you sleep? Who knows... I'm not about to eliminate all possibilities, when this should already be fixed.
Is there a way to get an extra Bird-Trap? i missplaced mine and its nowhere to be found.. been checking for a couple days now. i know where i placed it but its not there anymore....

got 2 Birds in Cage s far..

DrSkah: Is there a way to get an extra Bird-Trap? i missplaced mine and its nowhere to be found.. been checking for a couple days now. i know where i placed it but its not there anymore....

got 2 Birds in Cage s far..

Ouch! That is a thorn... I don't know but I fear not... Unless... Maybe you could try restarting the quest and after Berthold's first dialogue, you can talk to him again, purchasing a cage or two, just in case.
Post edited March 10, 2018 by visconteprimus