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Hi all,

I just discovered that it is possible to Pause and give your character orders.

Didn't see anything in the manual or anywhere else about it so I though I'll spread the news in case anyone else hasn't discover the feature.

1. Press the "Pause/Break" key on your keyboard and the action pause.
2. Select your spell or whatever and click on the enemy. Or issue a move command.
3. Unpause and your character will carry out the order.

You cannot queue commands but it really does help a slow poke like me keep up with the combat.
You've not red about it in manual because it's not really a feature, more of an ... Incomplete pause system. Then again, why change something that might help.
Discovered that too, would be cool if we could bind it to space, finding break button on my keyboard while fighting is kinda difficult :P
sidzanuff: Discovered that too, would be cool if we could bind it to space, finding break button on my keyboard while fighting is kinda difficult :P
I'm playing on a Dell laptop where I have to press Fn+Insert which definitely would be a pain. Luckily I have a Cyborg Mouse, whose software is pretty good allowing me to bind one of the extra button to the Pause key.

Rebinding some of the other keys would definitely have been useful.
Fenixp: You've not red about it in manual because it's not really a feature, more of an ... Incomplete pause system. Then again, why change something that might help.
Yeah I though so, hope it stays in because combat was no fun to me until I figured this out.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by Ravenvolf
Awesome discovery. +1 for the info.
hm, actually i could write a simple program that would virtually press break key after pressing space :P
sidzanuff: hm, actually i could write a simple program that would virtually press break key after pressing space :P
Yeah, that's what I thought, just a simple script. Shame I'm too lazy.
damn, postmessage wont work. i'll try something else tommorow
What a stubborn game, tried with some other winapi functions with no luck, tried this sharpkeys utility that lets you remap keys, won't work either. Is there a way to remap this in some game config file? I just realized that my laptop keyboard doesn't even have pause button :P (i'm using usb keyboard mostly though)
Would be nice if someone created a keyboard configuration utility like the one for Torchlight.
sidzanuff: What a stubborn game, tried with some other winapi functions with no luck, tried this sharpkeys utility that lets you remap keys, won't work either. Is there a way to remap this in some game config file? I just realized that my laptop keyboard doesn't even have pause button :P (i'm using usb keyboard mostly though)
On my one the pause key is Fn+Insert. It seems to throw out a different key code than when I press the Pause button via the On Screen Keyboard in Windows.

I tried initially with Autohotkey but that didn't work, the game recognised all other keys but Pause wouldn't work, I think the pause key code is somehow tied to Numlock on my keyboard as well. In the end, my Cyborg mouse utility was the only thing that will work. I don't know if it is related to the game or the computer, because the game did recognise other Autohotkey rebindings, just not Pause.

As for rebinding the in game keys, I couldn't find a way to do that, I would have liked to have quicksave as F5 instead of F6.

Let us know if you figure it out.