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Here's your weekly Message From GOG returns!

Oh, happy day! Friday--also known as "the blessed day of freedom"--has finally come! And since it's Friday, here's a new episode of This Week on GOG, a short video guide to recent events, promos, and other happenings on the site. By the way, if you haven't already, you might want to follow the channel on YouTube, so you won't miss our shows, specials, and exclusive trailers.

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That's it from us today. Check out our Super 5 special indie release promo, our regular Strategy First and Seconds weekly promo, and have a nice weekend! :-)
Post edited September 27, 2013 by G-Doc
Yay! They returned. TET doesn't sound like his usual self though, seemed more of a bored reading.

As for the hint, NFS? Or another Flatout?

P.S. What happened to the captions?
:o I forgot that this was a thing.
Where is it? Can't find the video on your channel.

edit: lol, here it is! :D
Post edited September 27, 2013 by keeveek
What was the hint? High speed game that is repulsive, but not a threat to civilians?
My first thought was F-Zero, but it obviously won't be that.
Possibly Ballistics? I've been hoping to get my hands on that for like a decade.
Great to see this back. but guys, please add subtitles...
A racing game from Codemasters?
AdamR: What was the hint? High speed game that is repulsive, but not a threat to civilians?
My first thought was F-Zero, but it obviously won't be that.
Possibly Ballistics? I've been hoping to get my hands on that for like a decade.
i'd say Wipeout 2097
that is if the "repulsive" is used in the sense of refering to the weird magnetic tracks on which the "cars" race in that game :)
I wonder how many times TET had to do that long description of Lo Wang before he got it right? :D
Yes we missed you TET, happy your back:)
Doing a search for violent racing games, I got this youtube video:
AdamR: What was the hint? High speed game that is repulsive, but not a threat to civilians?
My first thought was F-Zero, but it obviously won't be that.
Possibly Ballistics? I've been hoping to get my hands on that for like a decade.
I had a friend who owned Ballistics waaaay back. I would love to own it myself. Never actually played it....that friend liked to just show off his mad skills (I bet many of us have friends like that).
Post edited September 27, 2013 by JinseiNGC224
Ahh, I was really missing that music and TET's introduction . :)

Welcome back!
Welcome back, TET! I'm clueless about the hint as usual.