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Yes, yes, yes another review by me, but this was my first time playing it through and I never even heard of this game when it came out in 2000 because I was distracted by consoles, so on to the review, also some spoilers.

Pros: First off the soundtrack is great it, I listened to this song all the time from this game, and it sounds alot like something from Perfect Dark:

Levels are insanely open ended, I mean you can almost tackle anything, my two favorite places in this game where Hong Kong and The manor in Paris, especially in Hong Kong I went up an elevator visting Maggie's penthouse was like something out of Blade Runner.

Also I really like JC Denton a bit better than Adam Jensen, he is just so blunt and normal about things and level headed and completely professional.

Stealth is nice surprisingly, but its not Thief of course, but I really wish it was, like why could they not factor more use of hiding in shadows which is a game feature, like you could not shoot out lights or turn them off, but in the end we got what we got even though the stealth is bit like Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2.

But my absolute favorite thing about this game was the Themes which is about does humanity needs absolute rulers for safety from the unknown or truly be free and know the complete truth but risking sinking back into the Dark Ages despite all the progress we made. I mean I have been thinking about these kinds of things before I was played this game at all.

I am gonna put my cons in my next post to not have my OPso large
Well, of course. Tell me something I didn't know.
Yeah. I have also finished Deus Ex at summer. It has a really great plot. A movie can be made easily with that plot. Soundtracks are awesome. But its hard to say the same things about game mechanics. Nothing special about that point and AI is very bad.

I have also just finished Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers. Its a nice one...
Welcome to the Club!
I haven't played them but I hear good things about some of the total conversion mods - The Nameless Mod and Project 2027 especially...
Yep, the choices at the end are really difficult. And they make you work for each one, instead of just pressing a button like in Human Revolution. The genius quality of the plot is how they managed to cram so many different conspiracy theories in the game and yet make it coherent. The next time you play it, pay attention to the little details (newspaper articles, e-mails, background characters). There's so much to discover...

The story as is is good, but I argue it goes all over the place its kinda messy for me in my first play through I mean really the villain Bob Page I only saw him at the beginning of the game and now he shows his face to me at the end? I don't why, but I wanted Walton Simmons to be the main bad guy, he seems more like a perfect opposite to JC Denton, Bob is just some Powerhungry megalomaniac in my eyes. And the introduction of certain people and I was like really, THE ILLUMINATI IS IN THIS GAME?! Seriously I would not expect them to even be here and as I was playing they just came out of the blue in Hong Kong. And also they were decendent from the Knights Templar. I was dissipointed with the aliens in this game I mean you have Greys but they don't have that much relevance to the plot, I mean they are here because they are here :P

Now onto gameplay issues, though it did not bother me, I still feel I should call out somethings I.E. the Skills you get in this game. Think about what I am gonna say:

JC Denton is a highly trained cybernetically enhanced secret agent and he is unskilled in firing a rifle and pistol, using a taser, baton, knife, hacking computers and electronics, and picking locks? You think he be skilled in all of this by default. I am sorry but I just I find it ridiculous. Also some of the augmentations are bullshit with their choices such as the increased strength aug which either makes you lift heavier objects or do massive damages with melee weapons which in real life would have served both purposes.

Also gunplay just feels weak, I hated the fact that the Assualt Rifle fires a five-round burst, you have no idea how much I wasted precious ammo.

Finally I just like to call out one thing, the part you got captured by Unatco and Gunther Hermen was waiting. At first, judging that this game can let me tackle any situation, I thought I could escape by first throwing a Gas Grenade to stun everybody than activate the clocking modual and just run homefree.......but than I hit an invisible wall because the game's plot dictates I have to be captured or else its game over.........BULLSHIT!

So despite all those cons I still really liked this game and glad I finally got to play it I was playing Modded with the better textures and it looked really nice.
P1na: Well, of course. Tell me something I didn't know.
Cons are now listed
Charon121: Yep, the choices at the end are really difficult. And they make you work for each one, instead of just pressing a button like in Human Revolution. The genius quality of the plot is how they managed to cram so many different conspiracy theories in the game and yet make it coherent. The next time you play it, pay attention to the little details (newspaper articles, e-mails, background characters). There's so much to discover...
Yes so after the really analyzing them I decided to do the Join Illumiati ending though the con is that it will be 20th century capitalism all over again, but hey we lived through that. I was gonna do the ending where I merged with Helious but I don't if even JC would be a benevolant absolute ruler without falling to corruption. But I hated the New Dark Age because it goes against all the progress humanity has done from an industrial reasons and enlightenment reasons.
Post edited December 20, 2013 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: Yes so after the really analyzing them I decided to do the Join Illumiati ending though the con is that it will be 20th century capitalism all over again, but hey we lived through that. I was gonna do the ending where I merged with Helious but I don't if even JC would be a benevolant absolute ruler without falling to corruption. But I hated the New Dark Age because it goes against all the progress humanity has done from an industrial reasons and enlightenment reasons.
I had the same reasoning and chose the same thing. For one, humanity may rebel against a cyborg absolute ruler that they didn't elect. But with the Illuminati, mankind is none the wiser. The plague disappears and life goes on as usual. There's nobody to take up arms again, and the enlightened elite guides mankind to progress. I almost wish that were the case in real life as well.
Elmofongo: Cons are now listed
And they are fair, I agree with pretty much all of it. No time to discuss them now, maybe later.

BTW, did you know Gunther at that point is immortal? I managed to kill everything but him, and unloaded an insane amount of lead on him to no avail.
You should play Deus Ex: Nihilum next.
Die Flatlander woman!
Tuhnis: You should play Deus Ex: Nihilum next.
Any Perfect Dark related mods? Because honestly playing this game really reminds me of perfect dark for the Nintendo 64 right down to the style of music, setting and release dates:

If you have in Xbox 360 they have it with better graphics.
Popinjay: Die Flatlander woman!
Agent Nevarra: "How did you.......ARRGHH!!!!"
Post edited December 20, 2013 by Elmofongo
Tuhnis: You should play Deus Ex: Nihilum next.
Elmofongo: Any Perfect Dark related mods? Because honestly playing this game really reminds me of perfect dark for the Nintendo 64 right down to the style of music, setting and release dates:

If you have in Xbox 360 they have it with better graphics.
Popinjay: Die Flatlander woman!
Elmofongo: Agent Nevarra: "How did you.......ARRGHH!!!!"
You will love this if you haven't already seen it:
In other news, water is wet. :P
Is the latest Deus Ex game worth playing for all you Deus Ex fans?