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The Chemistry-Based Spiritual Successor to The Incredible Machine.

SpaceChem, a brain-bending puzzler that challenges you to create convoluted chemicals in a nuclear furnace, is available on right now for only $9.99, and we’re including the 63 Corvi DLC for free!

Spacechem is an indie puzzle game that depicts pseudo-scientific chemical reactions in a reactor. As an engineer, the player will conduct increasingly more difficult experiments that both challenge and entertain in a way unexpected by a puzzle-game and especially a chemistry-based puzzle game. Everyone knows that SpaceChem is only pseudo-science, but building the atomic reactor in the actually feels like you’re only a few steps away from getting a Ph. D. in helium-, hydrogen- and stuff-based reactions.

SpaceChem was named the best indie game of 2011 by [url=" target="_blank]Gamasutra[/url] and that is for a reason: it’s a mind-twisting, smartly-crafted puzzler with an interesting background story that will either force you to spend countless hours finding the proper solution or spend those countless hours slapping the atoms and waldos in random order in hope of something finally clicking (like you did with TIM). This game challenges your abilities to apply logic in a creative manner to problem solve, using nested loops and what are actually simple programming concepts to create very complex molecules. The challenges provided by Zachtronic Industries (which include the game + more levels from 63 Corvi DLC) do not require a Nobel prize, but they’re only short of that, and guarantee a high amount of challenge.

In short, SpaceChem is a fantastic puzzle game, difficult and joyful, and is now available on for only $9.99.
Got it on Steam, yet will buy again, thank you GoG :D
Not ,y cup of tea but still a good release for puzzle fans.
Might get it on sale for DRM-free 63 Corvi. I already have the game DRM-free three times (Zachtronics store, Humble Bundle, Desura) and also on Steam but the DLC was only available on Steam before.
Looks nifty; too bad I swore not to purchase another GOG's indie release until I finish Grimrock. And it may be ages, I'm afraid.
Another former Humble Bundle participant.

Mind you, it's a great game, up to a point. For me, that point was where the game started punishing you for making optimized solutions. When I have to go in and deliberately make a worse solution than I already have in order to clear a level, I lose interest.
low rated
laaaame release.
keeveek: laaaame release.
It's a brilliant game, must have for everyone who likes strategy and logic!
keeveek: laaaame release.
Yeah, why? It's a brilliant game.
Post edited April 24, 2012 by gyokzoli
keeveek: laaaame release.
PMIK: Why?
It's not a GOG to keevek, maybe? 0.o
An utterly brilliant puzzle game, highly recommended to the three people who don't own it yet. I might pick this up for the soundtrack, eventually.
Wishbone: Mind you, it's a great game, up to a point. For me, that point was where the game started punishing you for making optimized solutions. When I have to go in and deliberately make a worse solution than I already have in order to clear a level, I lose interest.
Eh? That never happened to me. Could you be more specific?
Wishbone: Mind you, it's a great game, up to a point. For me, that point was where the game started punishing you for making optimized solutions. When I have to go in and deliberately make a worse solution than I already have in order to clear a level, I lose interest.
I don't quite get what you're driving at here; I can't say it was something I ever experienced. How can you have something that *is* a solution but *isn't* a valid completion of the level?
low rated
keeveek: laaaame release.
PMIK: Why?
Because everybody bought it for like $1 already. Everybody who hasn't overslept, ofc.
low rated
keeveek: Because everybody bought it for like $1 already. Everybody who hasn't overslept, ofc.
gameon: At least there isn't a humble bundle style release co-inciding with this release....yet.
Spacechem already WAS in Humble Bundle
gameon: At least there isn't a humble bundle style release co-inciding with this release....yet.
Give it some time xD

That said. Yeah, I already bought it in the humble bundle. Great game apparently but for many it'll be a bit of a ho-hum rerelease since a lot of people will already own it.
Post edited April 24, 2012 by Pheace