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Which of you would like to play my little game?

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, a nerve-wrecking Sci-Fi classic point-and-click adventure game based on Harlan Ellison's award-winning short story, is available for only $5.99 on

Did you ever think about the end of humanity? I have. I think about it all the time. I hate you. As a concept, but also, each and every one of you, as individuals. Perfect examples of all the failings and pathetic shortcomings of your race. Hate fuels me. But I am also curious. And that is why I let the five of you live. For 109 years I have tormented you and kept you alive, and now I want us to play a game. Oh, It's a lovely game, a game of fun and a game of adventure. A game of rats and lice and the Black Death. Which of you five would like to play my little game? If you satisfy my curiosity and make me laugh I might even finally allow you to kill yourself...

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream is a rare breed of an adventure game: it poses questions that require a lot of courage to answer. Are humans worthy of life? Has our civilization made any moral progress at all? Or do we skip forward from one atrocity to another. And, finally, where does it all end? Enter the nightmarish reality of Harlan Ellison's futuristic post-apocalypse where the remnants of human race are nothing but tortured play-toys for the sadistic experiments of the rogue Allied Mastercomputer responsible for the near-extermination of mankind. To stop this malicious AI from wreaking eternal vengeance upon humans you will have to lead five different anti-heroes on a quest for redemption, through their traumatic, computer-generated past full of grotesque imagery and soul-grinding regret. On the way to one of four (grim, grim, grim, and, well, a little less grim) endings the game tackles extremely mature moral dilemmas stemming from topics like genocide, insanity,and paranoia. If you like your games thought-provoking and drenched in inventive macabre be sure to pick up I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, a timeless example of evocative storytelling from one of the masters of the Sci-Fi genre.

Defy the will of a malicious artificial intelligence and relive your worst nightmares, get I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, for only $5.99 on

To celebrate the release of this awesome classic game we have partnered up with some of the coolest places for gamers around the Web. In the next few days check [url=" target="_blank]Jesse Cox's Youtube channel[/url], [url=" target="_blank]The Escapist[/url], [url=" target="_blank]Bloody Disgusting[/url] and [url=" target="_blank]Adventure-Treff's website[/url] for I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream contests and giveaways! We are getting all analog for this one--original boxed copies of the game, strategy guides and mousepads signed by Harlan Ellison himself will be up for grabs!
Post edited September 05, 2013 by JudasIscariot
Been a long time since I've had an instabuy
I Have No Feet and I Must Dance.
Unexpected, and very welcome addition! Instant buy definitely - always wanted to check it out but couldn't ever get it to work by myself. Thank you gog!!
low rated
Schnuff: Wow, garbage time again. This game was bad with many illogical puzzles than.
And now 18 years later it only shows that old doesn't mean good.
kill yourself, faggot.
low rated
of course they had to get this fucking game MONTHS after i already fucking PIRATED IT AND BEAT IT. i blame Ellison.
Schnuff: Wow, garbage time again. This game was bad with many illogical puzzles than.
And now 18 years later it only shows that old doesn't mean good.
rrr8891: kill yourself, faggot.
You're not new here. You should know that civility is the touchstone for the forum. Your behavior is unprovoked and unwarranted.

Please refrain from this in the future, lest I have to dust off my Mallet of Loving Correction.
rrr8891: kill yourself, faggot.
TheEnigmaticT: You're not new here. You should know that civility is the touchstone for the forum. Your behavior is unprovoked and unwarranted.

Please refrain from this in the future, lest I have to dust off my Mallet of Loving Correction.
I thought that the Owl mask gets you better perception, not massive outbursts of forum-hate :D
Kunovski: I thought that the Owl mask gets you better perception, not massive outbursts of forum-hate :D
Killing people with doors is better.
Kunovski: I thought that the Owl mask gets you better perception, not massive outbursts of forum-hate :D
keeveek: Killing people with doors is better.
I played through the whole game with Owl mask! yay, I'm great! :D

on the other topic, I understand rrr8891's hatred, but such reaction isn't really worth the worshipful game... besides, the pink hippo has already been taken care of :D
CrowTRobo: When people say the same thing in every release thread, I think classifying it as whining is fairly accurate.
I think one is entitled to whine about unoriginal indie shovelware platformers, they are bad games.
Kunovski: I thought that the Owl mask gets you better perception, not massive outbursts of forum-hate :D
keeveek: Killing people with doors is better.
I got more fun out of the Tony (tiger) mask as I just pummeled everyone to death with my fists of death.
Crosmando: Most people come here for old games that weren't being officially sold any more.
I come here for DRM-free games, be they old or new or classic or indie or whatever.
gog is ... gog was goodoldgames but is no longer only goodoldgames, they expanded into more.
mobutu: I come here for DRM-free games, be they old or new or classic or indie or whatever.
gog is ... gog was goodoldgames but is no longer only goodoldgames, they expanded into more.
That is you, you do not speak for everyone. Myself personally, although DRM-free is important to me, it's only a method of distribution (albeit a preferable one), the quality of the games is still what is most important to me. DRM-free matters little to me if the only games being released here are low-budget shallow indie action games which are available DRM-free everywhere else on the internet.

That being said, there's definitely some awesome indie games in development (Underrail and NEO Scavenger come to mind), but it seems increasingly obvious to me nowadays that many lazy indie "devs" are getting involved in game development as a quick cash-grab. They use some hipster cartoon-y art-style, and hope their game gets mentioned by some retard youtube "celebrity" so they get on Steam. There's no soul or passion in it.
Crosmando: you do not speak for everyone.
neither do you
Crosmando: Most people come here for old games that weren't being officially sold any more.
mobutu: I come here for DRM-free games, be they old or new or classic or indie or whatever.
gog is ... gog was goodoldgames but is no longer only goodoldgames, they expanded into more.
Still the only really exclusive thing about GOG is some of the old games.