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I do not understand why people are hating on gog, just because the game is new...
569874123: I do not understand why people are hating on gog, just because the game is new...

Out of boredom I guess. People need reasons to bitch about. Might as well be a game the'll never purchase
I really would like to see the first one. IMO first was also the best one...
569874123: I do not understand why people are hating on gog, just because the game is new...
I think it's because of the game's bad press - it didn't sell very well, because it was a sequel to Driv3r, which wasn't too popular with the reviewers and gamers. Many people would think the series could only go downhill from there, or something...
only played it for a bit and enjoyed the gameplay and setting immensely and I know at least one team member who absolutely loves Parallel Lines. :) It's a matter of preference and giving the game a chance. :)
Post edited January 14, 2010 by Firek
Am I the only one who liked Driv3r almost as much as Driver 1&2? Although I never got my hands on Driver Parallel Lines.
Unexpected release, but a good one.
I'll pick it up later.
soulgrindr: I think a lot of people would find Driver1 rather bad now. I agree it was fun at the time, but even then the fact that the entire city was a grid, with no curves, used to annoy me.

Even at his time Driver 1 wasn't really beautiful and sometime the difficulty was really to hard, but if it was here on GOG at 5.99$ I sure would like to buy it... and not at the Ubisoft '9.99$' price of course.
What about Interstate '76 instead? :p
NateLogan: Am I the only one who liked Driv3r almost as much as Driver 1&2? Although I never got my hands on Driver Parallel Lines.

You're actually not, although it had it's flaws, I really really liked Driv3r, especially the way they told the story. I never played Parallel Lines myself... so I can't say if it's any good or not. But seeing it avaliable gives me hope of seeing Driv3r for sale here eventually.
Wow, is this the only game in the series on the PC? Not a bad series, i will get this the first time it's on sale for sure!
soulgrindr: Not played this one. I'd give it a spin at $5.99, but $9.99 for a game that's not particularly good or old seems a bit much (like many of the ubisoft games).

Heh ironic isn't it. I'd also rather pay more for an older game (provided it's great, like System Shock 2 or the old Apogee games)
I think I'll pick this one up. Maybe not today, but sometime. ;)
Still have to finish GTA4.
anjohl: Wow, is this the only game in the series on the PC? Not a bad series, i will get this the first time it's on sale for sure!

Nope, Driver 1 and Driv3r come also out for PC.
Weclock: this game came out in 2k7, this is the newest game on GOG!

Well, we got 2006 games last year.
The game may be recent, but it's got a 70's and 80's vibe so maybe that's where the "old" comes from. :)
Not much into racing games. I suck at those more than I do at other genres.
Interesting. May pick this up...
Really wish the games had been released in order, though. Driver 1 would be sweeeeet to have on here. :)
Never played D2 but curious.