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What kind of hero will you be when our new big publisher joins

Wow, a Monday release and big news today? Is it the end of days?

As we‘ve already told you, 2012 will be a year of grandeur for To prove that, another big publisher will join in a move that wasn’t predicted even by the Mayans (and they knew a lot about 2012). Our new publisher carries an impressive portfolio with some of your all-time favorite game heroes that will join the catalog in coming weeks. Two game characters that are now a standard in their genres will grace our catalog on this Thursday with as we launch the publisher with style, bringing you two new games on one day.

What kind of hero will you be on that day? What are our two major releases? will be giving you clues about the new publisher right here on our forums, hints about one of the two heroes you’ll see on Thursday via and clues about the other hero on [url=]Facebook.
"BE THE BEST HIDDEN HERO" ... so I'd guess Thief + Tomb Raider too.
Nergal01: Also....the title page says "Be the best hidden hero". It's got to be Garrett.
I'm guessing they also have one one with "Be the best busty hero" for Lara which they'll post tomorrow :)
Does anybody know if Square still owns the rights to Carmageddon?
Look at you, hero. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors.

Here's hoping for an eventual release of Anachronox if it is Eidos.

Man, I loved that game.
The first thing that entered my mind was Lara Croft. So that would make it Eidos/Square Enix. The other hero will no doubt be Hiro Miyamoto (just kidding ;))
Max_R: Kain and Raziel?
Both are Eidos... so we all hope for Eidos(Square Enix)

Fuzzyfireball: Does anybody know if Square still owns the rights to Carmageddon?
they are making the remake I guess they own it now :)
Post edited January 24, 2012 by spinefarm
If it is Eidos... and Eidos is merged with square... does that mean there is a chance of the rare PC version of FF8 being put on GOG? I already own it, but I would buy it again in a heartbeat if it meant no more disk swaps :P
It would be cool to see SquareEnix, and let GOG get into Emulating. Final Fantasy?
Only issue with it being Lara and Garret is neither fit the "What kind of hero will you be on that day?" bill really. It would seem to imply to me there's meant to have multiple playstyles. I guess you could argue it sort of fits Garrett (never kill anyone playthroughs and whatnot). Other Eidos titles that popped up to me that fit this a bit more are Deus Ex (JC Denton) and maybe Hitman.
Nelvin: "BE THE BEST HIDDEN HERO" ... so I'd guess Thief + Tomb Raider too.
I think you might be on to something with this
I guess it's not THQ. Again.
I'd really prefer Lucasarts, but if it turns out to be Eidos and the 1st release is Deus Ex, I'll forgive you GOG.
Release or not release today?
We are many to love you gog, but we are also many who had the feeling that you promised to release a great game at this time. And we many can't spend all our afternoon in front of this web-page pressing the refresh button. Those guessing games that we have to endure so often, I'm sure someone at gog has a lot of fun organizing them... but they're reeeeally getting tiring ; I wonder if it's only for me or if others feel the same.
Sooo, the question is... Release or not release?
Square Enix or Edios... Yeah, it has to be them. Right? ;)