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Rotoscoping the Red Planet

Mars, a rotoscoped romantic comedy taking a cast of unlikely astronauts on a monumental quest to set foot on the Red Planet, is available 33% off on That's only $3.99 for the first three days!

Mars is told in the playful style of a graphic novel- using a unique animation process that director Geoff Marslett developed specifically for the film. Underneath the silliness Mars is also an exploration of exploration. Why do we want to know what is out there? How do we react to what we find? Is it really that important? And where does love fit into the whole thing? A new space race is born between NASA and the ESA when Charlie Brownsville, Hank Morrison, and Dr. Casey Cook compete against an artificially intelligent robot to find out what's up there on the red planet. 'Mars' follows these three astronauts on the first manned mission to our galactic neighbor. On the way they experience life threatening accidents, self doubts, obnoxious reporters, and the boredom of extended space travel.

You can get to Mars 33% off until Saturday, October 25, at 2:59PM GMT.

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Post edited October 22, 2014 by G-Doc
This might be a stupid question but why is the 720p version larger by 1GB then the 1080p version.
yyahoo: "Mars, a rotoscoped romantic comrdy"

Spell-check alert... :)
Ermergerd erts er cormerdy! :D

On a more serious note, I think I'll pass on this one. But bonus points for a) this being a full length movie; b) it's not a gaming docu. Yay!
Post edited October 22, 2014 by CharlesGrey
Wishbone: From a customer standpoint, it doesn't matter one iota how creative and innovative his process may have been (and from what you say, it sounds like it was neither), when the end result looks like a slightly cheaper version of a movie four years older and much better known. Given that, using the "unique" animation as a major selling point gives the impression that A) the movie doesn't have anything else to bring to the table, and B) the marketing people were either clueless or deliberately trying to mislead those people who didn't know about the other movie.
There were many marketing problems with this movie, and it suffered for an audience - that's probably some of the reason why. I mean, if you want to see slick, check out their website. Looks like 1997 all over again (well, I'm not being fair, the new one is on WIX and it looks like a WIX site).
Matruchus: This might be a stupid question but why is the 720p version larger by 1GB then the 1080p version.
I'm showing about 3gb on 720 and 6gb on 1080 on my downloads section.
budejovice: I'm showing about 3gb on 720 and 6gb on 1080 on my downloads section.
A so there is a mistake on the gamepage then where it shows 2.3GB for 1080 and 3.1GB for 720p. Thanks for that.
This looks cool. Anyone got any critiques on this?
My thoughts as I read about this game:
Mars: "Hm, simplistic name, but has potential. Maybe it's like The Dig or Waking Mars or something?"
Rotoscoped: "Cool, this could work well with a retro science fiction thriller adventure or whatever this game is."
Romantic comedy: "What? Okay. Guess this isn't for me."
Graphic novel: "Definitely not for me."
gogskel: My thoughts as I read about this game:
Uhm, it's a movie, not a game ;-)
Huh... doesn't look like genuine rotoscoping. More like an annoying photoshop filter.
catpower1980: Looks like they used the "cartoon" effect from GIMP on every frame :)
So it's not just me!
gogskel: My thoughts as I read about this game:
Wishbone: Uhm, it's a movie, not a game ;-)
I'm guessing even more not for him. :P
Post edited October 22, 2014 by SirPrimalform
SirPrimalform: Huh... doesn't look like genuine rotoscoping. More like an annoying photoshop filter.
catpower1980: Looks like they used the "cartoon" effect from GIMP on every frame :)
SirPrimalform: So it's not just me!
I know of a filter that you can feed over an entire video vs every frame, but depending on resolution it takes a while... Course it was for VirtualDub...

Ahh here we are VirtualDub <span class="bold">MSU</span> Cartoonizer Filter

I've wondered what a movie like the Matrix would look like fully rendered in one of these, but when I did a short clip it didn't look that good so I abandoned trying it... Maybe I should give it a go again... It will only take something like a month to encode an hour movie...
Any chance of getting subtitles? My ´english hearing´ is pretty poor...
Wow, that filter looks really awful.
avatar Mars, a rotoscoped [...]

Mars is told in the playful style of a graphic novel- using a unique animation process that director Geoff Marslett developed specifically for the film.
Now, I'm not an expert, and maybe the rotoscope-technique had to be re-invented for this movie (though according to some comments, it was already used in "A Scanner darkly (2006)" - which I haven't seen), but I know for sure, that Jordan Mechner used rotoscoping for his classic game "The last Express" already in 1997.

Btw: Where is Motivational Growth ?
Post edited October 23, 2014 by BreOl72
I remember that technique from [url=]LotR[/url] (noooo, not the Peter Jackson movies). It has a really unique look to it. :)

edit: fixed broken link
Post edited October 23, 2014 by Wurzelkraft
Hey, its the guy from The League!

Congrats on the first movie release that is not a gaming documentary!