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A heroic effort for a heroic game!

Boasting a huge number of races, 16 to be exact, along with epic hero units that level up and get stronger the longer they survive, Warlords Battlecry III is one of the finest examples of RTS/RPG genre. Features such as a non-linear story and a plethora of varied classes have ensured that WBC III, as it's known by its fans, always remains fun to play and offers a wide variety of options so that you can try out a different play style.

Not all major modifications have a team that works together in tandem to bring to you an enhanced version of the game. Some mods are created by a single person working in their spare time for the love of the game. Such is the case with the <span class="bold">Warlords Battlecry III 1035 Mod</span>. Created by Andy Hatch, the 1035 Mod is quite impressive and is jam-packed with enough features to make one's head spin. While the original game suited Andy just fine, he wanted to add more features rather than “fix” the game. In short, this mod is intended to run alongside your original installation. Let's take a look at just some of the additions and enhancements included in the 1035 Mod.

4 new races! Play as or play against Gnolls, Goblins, Dragons, and Ogres!

New hero classes! 4 new hero classes (Tyrant, Horde Master, Dwarf Master, Wizard), each with their own skillsets and unique abilities!

Three additional lair types and loads of new skills for new items!

Additional magic spheres such as Time Magic, Goblin Magic, and even Dwarf Magic! (Who knew that Dwarves could be magical? They always struck us as being down to earth.)

To install the 1035 Mod, just unzip the archive from Andy's Warlords Forever into your EnlightInfinite InteractiveWarlords Battlecry III folder where you have installed the game and overwrite all.

Head on out to Warlords Forever, the home of the 1035 Mod, and for download links and maps that showcase all the new features of the 1035 Mod.

Thank you, Andy, for all of your hard work with the 1035 Mod. It is because of dedicated fans such as yourself that classic games don't just disappear, but are remembered and passed on to a new generation of fans. Thank you, thank you, and once again, thank you!
totallytwee: Trying to play this mod, it's incredibly unstable. I haven't been able to finish a map yet because of the crashing.
Did you set the Battlecry1035.exe file to run in win98 compatibility mode? WBC3 (even without the mod) is highly unstable in modern OSes without that. (I also disable DPI scaling as a matter of habit -- don't know if that matters for WBC3.)
TheJadedOne: Did you set the Battlecry1035.exe file to run in win98 compatibility mode? WBC3 (even without the mod) is highly unstable in modern OSes without that. (I also disable DPI scaling as a matter of habit -- don't know if that matters for WBC3.)
Yup sure have. Normal WB3 works just fine, but the modded version doesn't.

EDIT: Actually on that note, there are two .exe files for the mod, Battlecry1035 and Battlecry10352. I'm using the first one.
Post edited May 14, 2014 by totallytwee
Hello this is my mod I created and yes there is some issues with running the mod on some versions of Windows 7 and that is a product of the fact that the game was built in the pre windows 7 era. I play the mod on XP personally on a 6 year old Dell. If you just have home edition on Windows 7 you will likely have issues you must be able to set the computer to XP 2nd edition. Also you need to F key your spells as the game crashes when you click the spell button on the main screen.
As for the comments about the art this was my first project and getting art like AAA working by myself is pretty much impossible. With the mod there is a text file as well as the two exes which is a sort of a leftover from the days of version 2.
Back in 2009 I was working on Goblins and had changed their class in 10352.exe so they could be loaded into cannons but afterwards I was able to code it correctly so they would load. So folks who followed the mod from that point needed that exe updated that's why that is there :)
Again not everyone will like the mod but give it a try , all the best
Andy Hatch
Warlords Forever
I have a suggestion regarding mods.
Can you make a section on GOG site where you place all articles about mods you have publashed? It's difficult to keep track of them when they're publushed a year ago or even earlier. Maybe there should ba a way to browse mods by game title. Also community can possibly help with providing links and description on best mods for GOG games.
If you like this idea please vote for this post :)
abr_alex: I have a suggestion regarding mods.
Can you make a section on GOG site where you place all articles about mods you have publashed? It's difficult to keep track of them when they're publushed a year ago or even earlier. Maybe there should ba a way to browse mods by game title. Also community can possibly help with providing links and description on best mods for GOG games.
If you like this idea please vote for this post :)
Try this thread (which will now need an update, come to think of it) for an unofficial archive:
ahatchwbciii: Also you need to F key your spells as the game crashes when you click the spell button on the main screen.
from Gnoll Race.txt:
"Also some code work has been recently to address the spell book crash. I ran a test the other night
clicking the spell button a total of 150 in three separate games using 3 different classes of hero's some using the new
spheres and some using the old spheres and guess what NOT one crash so let's hope the code I added was the trick"

Is the above text then wrong? (I.e., it turned out to not be fixed.) Or was it talking about something else?

Can you tell me how to load troops into ships? I tried all kinds of combinations of left/right clicking and shift/ctrl/alt and selecting troops first or boat first and did not have any success. (You might want to consider adding information on how to load troops to a readme file so others don't get stuck on this issue.)

from WBC3 1.035.txt:
Scenerios Included
(scenerios require Kharn Pac Terrain set to work)"

Is the required Kharn pack included in the file, or do I have to download something else? If I have to download something else, where do I find it?

For things that may cause crashes (such as using home version of win7) you may want to warn people about that on your website (or at least in a readme file -- though that's kind of "too late" as they've already downloaded/installed - though you could make the readme available on your site, which would be best) so people for whom your mod won't work don't waste their time and get frustrated.

You may want to consider consolidating your readme files into a single file. Right now I find:
- 1035 or 10352.txt
- 103b change list.txt
- Gnoll Race.txt
- New Update.txt
- WBC3 1.035.txt

from WBC3 1.035.txt:
Includes new feature strat icons for strat map
(Please Read Features Pack Read me)"

Is there supposed to be another readme file?

Also, I happened to notice that bad things happen if you accidentally try to play one of the new scenarios while running the unmodded WBC .exe. Assuming it's not possible for them to just not appear in the list in that case, it would be better if the new scenarios had some special prefix/postfix so it was easy to tell which ones to avoid when playing the standard game.
In light of your comments I have changed the archive to include just one read me and added some new text at the top. The Kharn Pac was included already with the archive (I wasn't sure because Kharn wanted me to update to the latest version)

Anyway most of you don't know me and the mod had a small following of people who did so they were always updating their version so I would throw a new text in there. So I took your advice and I'm changing it to one text all the updates and put the known issues on the top of the read me.

On Boats you can't load them like good ol Warlords Battlecry I (I tried believe me) But you have buttons on them in the control panel . Ferries for instance have 3 buttons Land builders, Land Troops and Land General. You just have to have enough mana and army limit permission (If you are close to army limit you will only get as many to reach the limit)

On the spellbook crash I have been going back and trying to figure that one out. I can load the mod up one day and play the game and click on that button and nothing and the next time i load it up it crashes. So F keying is the best way I can play skirmishes free of crashes. Just open the spellbook and mouse over each spell hitting the F key you want for each spell so pick the spells you use the most. I will continue to work on it 's just one of those frustrating things you think you have and then it don't work .
Post edited May 15, 2014 by ahatchwbciii
ahatchwbciii: On Boats you can't load them like good ol Warlords Battlecry I (I tried believe me) But you have buttons on them in the control panel . Ferries for instance have 3 buttons Land builders, Land Troops and Land General. You just have to have enough mana and army limit permission (If you are close to army limit you will only get as many to reach the limit)
Ah, the transport boats are "troop summoning devices". I might have been able to figure that out if I had moused over the unload buttons and seen the floaty-text that says it costs 90 mana. In the scenario I was playing my level 3 Healer only has a max mana of 48 so can't use boats for "transport" yet -- will have to level some more. (I saw the AI unload boats though, I wonder how it managed to get 90 mana out of a starter hero.) Since I couldn't use boats to take over the world I sent out my dragons to destroy it. Sadly, multiple attempts at that just kept crashing the game.

It's hard to know for sure if this propensity to crash is worse or the same as vanilla WBC3 -- the vanilla one usually doesn't get unstable for me until there are a lot of troops on the map, but I figured that may be what is happening here as well with lots of land troops stuck on islands. So I tried the following: Kill (ctrl-d) most of my units, then send in the dragons. That worked -- the game made it to the end. But as my dragons were finishing off the enemy I looked at my allies and really, even with the troops I had prior to killing them off and with the enemy troops my dragons took out, there were just not that many troops on the map, I would not expect vanilla WBC3 to be unstable with that relatively small number of troops. Maybe it was all the islands that make it unstable -- I'll have to try a solid-land-mass map at some point. (While water levels w/ boats was the #1 draw for me, playing against the new races and trying out the new lairs is also something I want to do. I love lairs -- I tend to max those puppies out -- I do the same when playing Kohan.)

I was just playing the 0.82 beta of The Protectors yesterday, and it seemed to be pretty stable (except when I quit the game -- it always crashes when quitting, but that's a crash of no consequence). I wonder if they've done things to the WBC3 codebase that help make it more stable. I only played it on a medium map with 2 sides though -- I think I will go and "stress test" it on a giant map with a full complement of sides and see if it can handle it (especially with its "unit food system" as I'm not sure there's even a hard unit limit in the game like there is in WBC3 -- maybe I can finally have all the stuffed towers I want as long as I build enough support structures).

ahatchwbciii: it 's just one of those frustrating things you think you have and then it don't work .
I'm familiar with that situation -- that's why I generally avoid C/C++ like the plague -- you'll get a crash and have no idea where it came from because it was some run-away pointer that mucked up a critical data structure several minutes earlier and only now your program is suffering the consequences and there's no feasible way to track that bug back to its true source, which may not even be any of your code at all. (It can be so bad that entire projects die from this "syndrome" -- they just get abandoned when they are deemed not worth fixing/continuing, not because you don't want to fix/continue them, but because it's just too hard/frustrating to do so.)
You could try the Boats AI Mod I created as well . It is a separate exe that feeds off a different building.cfg file . I have it so the AI will not build land troops except builders it is a little better on the maps . Playing Plague Island (my favorite map) will always crash because it fills up with troops that can't go anywhere. Really fun to play on that mod as the AI starts sending floating eyes (which can pass over water) your way. You of course can still build what you want but there just won't be a description on the build screen.

And I have to say some crashes with this game can be caused by the darndest thing. I was working on the Gnoll Race and everything worked 100% except when you would get your keep to level 5 then it would crash. Well it dawned on me to check the ani file on Gnoll Keep 5 and I saw I had entered the Bmp size wrong by one pixel . So this spellbook crash could just as easily be something like that as well. I always ask people who get it what spheres you were using etc. I have changed the spellbook shortcut keys a number of times thinking it was that .

As for the vanilla crashing that has likely everything to do with Windows 7. Warlords Battlecry plays best on Xp I keep an old Desktop with XP on just for that purpose ( and modding too). There is no mention of Windows 7 in the code (it didn't exist) only "unknown" which means the game doesn't know what it is.
ahatchwbciii: You could try the Boats AI Mod I created as well .
I thought I was -- I grabbed that at the same time I grabbed 1035 and unzipped them both together and then copied them both into my wbc3 directory.

ahatchwbciii: It is a separate exe that feeds off a different building.cfg file .
That explains it. It's not mentioned in any of the 'readme's, and I didn't happen to notice it while unzipping, so I totally missed that there was another executable in there (Battlecry1035B.exe).

ahatchwbciii: As for the vanilla crashing that has likely everything to do with Windows 7.
I'm actually using Vista 64. (Yeah, I know, that's not XP either.) I had an XP box, but it died. (I still have a working win98SE box, and a win95 box I haven't booted in 10+ years, but it's a major hassle to use multiple boxes so I only use one.) I've got a new box I'm not using yet (64GB DRAM and ~9TB disk space - much better than my current rig) that will have Win7 Pro on it, so hopefully I will be able to use its built-in XP VM feature.
My family has enjoyed this game for years. We still play and have also played on GameRanger. Thanks for the mod!
@Kat1 : Hey No problem really fun mod to make :) Lost some hair coding but otherwise none worse for wear

@TheJadedOne :Ya The Boats mod is the Battlecry1035B.exe it reads System35B.xcr which has the Building.cfg. It works alot better for the boat maps the AI will still build builders but not waste army limit on land troops. They will still build Eyries though and races like Plague with floating units will still build Floating Eyes.
Hello Andy,

Thanks a lot for your mod, I'll definitely try it, I'm happy to see it's as big as an expansion, great work man! Your screenshots seem to show a higher resolution than I remember, are they native or has your mod added higher resolutions?
BTW: I noticed on your Website "to it's present state" instead of "its".

WBC is a perfect RTS/RPG hybrid with a ridiculous amount of freedom and strategic options and untill now this game is unmatched in many aspects: I remember levelling up from map to map a very weak summoned fairy to max level, and made her a deadly explorer. The genious of this game is you eventually became attached to your units and you could replay a map ad infinitum with new ideas everytime. Oh and the scream of your spawned dragon meaning the enemy would very soon feel the pain :-) ... I hope people will try WBC if they haven't yet, graphics are still nice today and it's a, awesome and rare example of RTS/RPG made perfectly.
r8V9b1X3u9VcA12p: Hello Andy,

Thanks a lot for your mod, I'll definitely try it, I'm happy to see it's as big as an expansion, great work man! Your screenshots seem to show a higher resolution than I remember, are they native or has your mod added higher resolutions?
BTW: I noticed on your Website "to it's present state" instead of "its".

WBC is a perfect RTS/RPG hybrid with a ridiculous amount of freedom and strategic options and untill now this game is unmatched in many aspects: I remember levelling up from map to map a very weak summoned fairy to max level, and made her a deadly explorer. The genious of this game is you eventually became attached to your units and you could replay a map ad infinitum with new ideas everytime. Oh and the scream of your spawned dragon meaning the enemy would very soon feel the pain :-) ... I hope people will try WBC if they haven't yet, graphics are still nice today and it's a, awesome and rare example of RTS/RPG made perfectly.
Hey there:

One thing I have read on lots of forums is higher res for WBC I haven't achieved that I know folks are asking for larger screen sizes but that is all hard coded stuff and would require a lot of work in the graphics end as well with just the menus as the game has just the two settings at the moment and the mod is no different.

LOL I do tend to goof up at times - fixed the it's

Ya when I tell people I made a mod for Warlords Battlecry 3 most look at me with a blank stare the game is not a big front runner but has a very dedicated following. You just have to add - " well it's made by the folks that make Puzzle Quest" and they go "Oh cool " :)
Summons are timed in this mod or do they work like in the original?