It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Firek: "Close enough for government work", right? :P

Howsabout now? I just tried it again.
Almost there. I had 894 ([url=][/url]), but now my shelf says 893. At first I thought you somehow removed the empty space where The Witcher Adventure Game Beta use to be, but that's still there. I'm not sure what I'm missing.
Post edited December 22, 2014 by Barry_Woodward
Barry_Woodward: UPDATE: Even though I haven't refreshed my account since creating this topic, I've still somehow lost 143 more games. I only have seven now. See attached screenshot below...
Firek: Let me know if it's OK now. I recalculated your collection a few minutes ago.

Our webdevs will check if and what's wrong with the account refresh link, and I would recommend against using it today, just to be on the safe side.
sorry about the trouble
Hi, I used the account refresh link yesterday and today because I don't have The Gold Edition of The Pit: Sword of the stars and all DLC in my shelf but only the base game. Should I open a ticket and contact support ?
Post edited December 22, 2014 by Alterego1972
Good practice for future reference is to save your account page as an offline complete web page. That way if some end up disappearing you can just cross check with it.
Barry_Woodward: I'm not sure what I'm missing.
Christmas spirit? ;-) I bet one of the reindeers borrowed 'Faster Than Light' to prepare for the next few days ;-)
Barry_Woodward: Almost there. I had 894 ([url=][/url]), but now my shelf says 893. At first I thought you somehow removed the empty space where The Witcher Adventure Game Beta use to be, but that's still there. I'm not sure what I'm missing.
Perhaps the counter on the Wiki is off because of The Witcher Adventure Game beta? The refresh didn't time out this time so I would think that it was successful. If you notice what game might be missing, please let us know and we'll look into this in more detail.

Alterego1972: Hi, I used the account refresh link yesterday and today because I don't have The Gold Edition of The Pit: Sword of the stars and all DLC in my shelf but only the base game. Should I open a ticket and contact support ?
I think I fixed it.
Barry_Woodward: I recently tried to refresh my account using this link, got the GOG bear and found that I had lost 200+ games from my shelf. I tried a few more times and now I only have 150 games total. Yikes! According to my last gogwiki update, I should have 894 games: [url=][/url]
By curiosity, why did you use the "refresh" link the first time ? Did you have some missing games or some other issues?
Firek: Perhaps the counter on the Wiki is off because of The Witcher Adventure Game beta?
Maybe, but The Witcher Adventure Game (Beta) doesn't appear with the games listed on the GOGwiki. Maybe it does count the empty space. BTW, is there any way to get rid of the empty space?

Firek: The refresh didn't time out this time so I would think that it was successful.
I appreciate all your help. Thank you.

Firek: If you notice what game might be missing, please let us know and we'll look into this in more detail.
I thought perhaps I could use the GOGwiki as a reference to quickly discover what's missing, but it's ordered by purchase date and the purchase date order of my shelf is no longer accurate after all that refreshing. I'll let you know if I figure it out.

Gersen: By curiosity, why did you use the "refresh" link the first time ? Did you have some missing games or some other issues?
I originally refreshed in hopes of getting rid of the empty space on my shelf.
Post edited December 22, 2014 by Barry_Woodward
Barry_Woodward: Almost there. I had 894 ([url=][/url]), but now my shelf says 893. At first I thought you somehow removed the empty space where The Witcher Adventure Game Beta use to be, but that's still there. I'm not sure what I'm missing.
Firek: Perhaps the counter on the Wiki is off because of The Witcher Adventure Game beta? The refresh didn't time out this time so I would think that it was successful. If you notice what game might be missing, please let us know and we'll look into this in more detail.

Alterego1972: Hi, I used the account refresh link yesterday and today because I don't have The Gold Edition of The Pit: Sword of the stars and all DLC in my shelf but only the base game. Should I open a ticket and contact support ?
Firek: I think I fixed it.
Thanks for your help. GOG Best Customer Service ! And that's why I love GOG too. ^^
Firek: If you notice what game might be missing, please let us know and we'll look into this in more detail.
I think I figured out what's missing,, but now I'm even more confused. It seems it was listed separately from the base game on my shelf before refresh (check the GOGwiki shelf [url=][/url] on the 33nd row to see), which would account for the discrepancy in game total, but now the DLC is no longer in my account at all. The store page says I don't own it. I did. Hmm...
Post edited December 22, 2014 by Barry_Woodward
Firek: If you notice what game might be missing, please let us know and we'll look into this in more detail.
Barry_Woodward: I think I figured out what's missing,, but now I'm even more confused. It seems it was listed separately from the base game on my shelf before refresh (check the GOGwiki shelf [url=][/url] on the 33nd row to see), which would account for the discrepancy in game total, but now the DLC is no longer in my account at all. The store page says I don't own it. I did. Hmm...
I can confirm Juggernaut was apart and when I refreshed my account, all DLC from Sword of the Stars / The Pit disappeared. Firek fixed it in the previous post. It could be the same problem for you.
I lost 300 + for about 10 minutes last night. Must be that flu bug that's going around.

The only reason I noticed was someone recommended replaying Blood for the holidays and that was one of the games missing.
tinyE: Blood missing.
Quick! He needs a blood transfusion! We're losing him!

Oh, you meant that Blood. Carry on then...
tinyE: Blood missing.
Grargar: Quick! He needs a blood transfusion! We're losing him!

Oh, you meant that Blood. Carry on then...
That was stupid. :P That's the kind of joke I'd tell! XD

You don't have that many games!! [sarcasm] Some intresting games there, but alas most of the ones I had a look at are not avaible on GOG anymore :(

How do I add my game library to the wiki?

all the best
Barry_Woodward: snip
Hey Barry, maybe now is a good time to hit GoG up for some of those games you want them to add. They owe you!