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I don't see either Kotor 1&2 or Dragon Age: Origins in there so might give those a try if you haven't.
Beyond good and evil, technically not a RPG, but it's one of those memorable games few ever played.

My best recommendation would be Starwars: Knights of the old republic, D&D'ish ruleset, you have a party but its not a hassle. And it's fast paced, and very different from BG, NWN and the lot. long time since i played. I just remember I enjoyed way more than BG and NWN put together.

Get it from steam cheap and DRM'ed :p
(it also has a sequel, but because of a developer rushjob it wasn't as enjoyable as the first)

And since you don't mind the old ones, google the Thalion webshrine, and try to get a hold of amberstar(1992) ambermoon and albion. (Albion is probably the best match for your criteria, but I've only played thorugh Amberstar myself.)
Post edited May 12, 2011 by nyx
GameRager: He should get KOTOR 2....also nyx some guys are working to restore the cut content on some mod databse somewhere. Just thought you'd like to know. ;)

Also Anvil of Dawn is a good old school slightly hack and slash RPG, with several characters to play through as.
Sweet, guess I'll google kotor2 mod then :D
Travalanche: Most of the Dungeons and Dragons type games just drive me mad, I cannot deal with the cliche nature of them, the characters overact waaaayyy too much for me, I mean yeah a crazy berserking warrior, or a calm and collected mage make sense but a Cheeky goodball opportunist rogue is just too much for me to handle.
Those sound less like D&D stereotypes and more like everything stereotypes.
Glad to see someone suggested The Witcher already. Seriously: it's 5 bucks. Go crazy.
You need to play Ultima VII: The Black Gate. It's not on GoG. But you NEED to play it, especially regarding your description of what you're looking for. The game is from 1990 but play it with the restoration patch "Exult" and that doesn't really come into play.
TheEnigmaticT: Glad to see someone suggested The Witcher already. Seriously: it's 5 bucks. Go crazy.
I second this if you don't want a D&D clone.... it's a very good dark fantasy with more balls and brains than the more famous Witcher wannabe Dragon Age.
Witcher or Divine Divinity
you might consider a free to play game like runes of magic (never played). I know your post said nothing too new but possibly dragon age: origins.
GameRager: He should get KOTOR 2....also nyx some guys are working to restore the cut content on some mod databse somewhere. Just thought you'd like to know. ;)

Also Anvil of Dawn is a good old school slightly hack and slash RPG, with several characters to play through as.
nyx: Sweet, guess I'll google kotor2 mod then :D
TSL Restored Content Mod:

They aren't just working on the mod, its been done and released for almost a year now.
Post edited May 12, 2011 by cogadh
By the way my computer is too bad to play The Witcher, believe me I would love too but being a bit broke and unable to afford a decent graphics card it's just a no-go which brings a tear to my eye. ;(

My PC is a 2008 Compaq model and is slightly below the minimum requirements in every aspect besides the graphics card which is way below because it's integrated.

Also I have an XBOX 360 so I did play Dragon Age: Origins+ The main expansion, I haven't played the second installment "waiting for the price to go down though, I'm a sensible guy XD". I think Dragon Age was a bit overhyped, yes it was fun and had a decent story+soundtrack but I would give it about a 6.5/10 or maybe a 7/10 because I didn't find it very challenging at all and with certain builds like an Arcane Warrior with defensive passives like "?earth shield and magic shield?" + the passive fade shroud or whatever I totally annihilated the game on the hardest difficulty so it isn't very balanced at all.

If The Witcher was for Consoles "I don't care if it doesn't have modding/a bad interface or whatever" I would totally play it but I just don't find upgrading a computer every year or two a good value to keep up with the best new rpgs when you can just wait for a year or so and buy the xbox version on ebay for 10 bucks.

Oh sorry for going off topic lol, I am a bit talkative I guess.
Post edited May 13, 2011 by Travalanche
Hi Travalanche and welcome to the forums.

If you're tired of cliche characters, plot that gets in the way of the game, but you want to kick ass and chew bubble gum, why not give the FRUA [Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures] version of Pools of Darkness a try? It's like stepping into a time machine to an age when men were men, women looked like the men, and there was dungeon crawling and no BS-ing about.
Travalanche: By the way my computer is too bad to play The Witcher, believe me I would love too but being a bit broke and unable to afford a decent graphics card it's just a no-go which brings a tear to my eye. ;(

My PC is a 2008 Compaq model and is slightly below the minimum requirements in every aspect besides the graphics card which is way below because it's integrated.

Also I have an XBOX 360 so I did play Dragon Age: Origins+ The main expansion, I haven't played the second installment "waiting for the price to go down though, I'm a sensible guy XD". I think Dragon Age was a bit overhyped, yes it was fun and had a decent story+soundtrack but I would give it about a 6.5/10 or maybe a 7/10 because I didn't find it very challenging at all and with certain builds like an Arcane Warrior with defensive passives like "?earth shield and magic shield?" + the passive fade shroud or whatever I totally annihilated the game on the hardest difficulty so it isn't very balanced at all.

If The Witcher was for Consoles "I don't care if it doesn't have modding/a bad interface or whatever" I would totally play it but I just don't find upgrading a computer every year or two a good value to keep up with the best new rpgs when you can just wait for a year or so and buy the xbox version on ebay for 10 bucks.

Oh sorry for going off topic lol, I am a bit talkative I guess.
This may help you:

Regarding upgrading...well, there's a lot of misinformation that's spread about PC gaming and that's one of the big ones. You really don't have to upgrade every year or two..that's only even if you want every single effect turned on for every single game, running at crazy high resolutions with excellent framerate, etc. Even then, if you build it smartly, you probably won't have to upgrade for 2-3 years. For the rest of us, you can go about five years before upgrading and still get decent performance and settings, though 3-4 I think is ideal. Most don't know it, but PC gaming can be just as cheap as console gaming, depending on your needs and budget. That's the beautiful thing about it..there's so many ways to go about it, it can really suit everyone.
Post edited May 14, 2011 by chautemoc
Witcher is the only sensible choice right now.
Travalanche: Thanks for all the replies you guys, I downloaded both Divine Divinity and Lionheart and they are both a lot of fun. I found Lionheart to have a VERY good soundtrack compared to the average game and it reminds me of Diablo 2 but I like the story more.

Divine Divinity is pretty unique and seems fun but I have just played it for about 15 minutes so far, I am bad at juggling games lol but I read that it's longer so I will play it later.
Might & Magic 6 & 7 might just be for you.