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Zoltan999: Hmmm, is it just me, or has anyone noticed that it seems perhaps GG has gotten wise to the work-around to save/back up your games there? Been a while since I purchased anything there, but I recently bought Star Wolves 3 on sale, and when trying the old copy/paste/save the temp file with the .exe file to another location so I could save it, and transfer to my gaming computer, I found there is no longer a true .exe file now, instead there is a "launch" file, which only allows you to install from Gamers Gate server. Not really complaining that much, as I know that it is clearly thier policy as clearly written out, but definitely bummed though. Any one else notice this, or is it just this game, or perhaps I am going about saving the games .exe file wrong now?

(me thinks they finely wised up tho...)
Looks fine to me.

I think GG are well-aware that if they pulled such a stunt, they'd basically lose all of their business to Valve, because GG would then have next to no advantage over Steam.
Some games indeed put their installers to a different place then the download folder. in most cases it's the temporary folder. 1c seems one publisher taking advantage of this, I remember Space Rangers 2 and the first (where they forgot to remove the cd-check) version of Kings Bounty Crossworlds Goty doing this. Good thing that they uploaded another version, that one got everything in place. So, better check via taskmanager where the installer files are exactly.
Zoltan999: Hmmm, is it just me, or has anyone noticed that it seems perhaps GG has gotten wise to the work-around to save/back up your games there? Been a while since I purchased anything there, but I recently bought Star Wolves 3 on sale, and when trying the old copy/paste/save the temp file with the .exe file to another location so I could save it, and transfer to my gaming computer, I found there is no longer a true .exe file now, instead there is a "launch" file, which only allows you to install from Gamers Gate server. Not really complaining that much, as I know that it is clearly thier policy as clearly written out, but definitely bummed though. Any one else notice this, or is it just this game, or perhaps I am going about saving the games .exe file wrong now?

(me thinks they finely wised up tho...)
When the d/l starts, did you choose "run" or Save As, I think they may pan out differently, I chose Save As. Saved to desk top, then copied that, I had no problems.
GoJays2025: I have just been backing up my games over the last couple of days and what I did with those GG games was to wait for it to download, and when the installer runs I'll just leave it in the background and go to the installer directory, make a copy of the setup.exe, then cancel the installer. I think as soon as you cancel the installer the GG downloader renames setup.exe to 'launch' and does something else with it (simply renaming it back to setup.exe does not work).

If you already pressed cancel to the installer, just run the GG downloader again - it'll see that the files are all downloaded and runs the installer again. This time just make a backup of setup.exe.

After that just tell GG downloader you want to keep the temporary install files and that's it. You can delete the launch file too afterwards.
I've been doing the same thing (backing up all my GG games) over the last couple weeks. Yeah, that's exactly how I'm getting the unencrypted setup.exe file. But I thought that was how it was always accomplished.
GoJays2025: If you already pressed cancel to the installer, just run the GG downloader again - it'll see that the files are all downloaded and runs the installer again. This time just make a backup of setup.exe.

After that just tell GG downloader you want to keep the temporary install files and that's it. You can delete the launch file too afterwards.
Since you have already copied the files elsewhere, why is the last (bolded) step needed? Or is that confirmation asked when you _install_ the game, not when you download them?
GoJays2025: If you already pressed cancel to the installer, just run the GG downloader again - it'll see that the files are all downloaded and runs the installer again. This time just make a backup of setup.exe.

After that just tell GG downloader you want to keep the temporary install files and that's it. You can delete the launch file too afterwards.
timppu: Since you have already copied the files elsewhere, why is the last (bolded) step needed? Or is that confirmation asked when you _install_ the game, not when you download them?
I haven't copied them elsewhere. The only file I duplicated would have been setup.exe. GG downloader asks you if you'd like to keep the installation files after you close the installer, so for backup purposes say keep those files.
Thanks for all your responses...maybe it's just with Star Wolves 3, but but I have been trying different methods.."run" "save as" trying to get the correct set-up .exe, but no luck. I've been able to to keep all the BIN files, even copied and pasted the installation directory as it was installing and saved the "unis000" .exe file, and tried installing the game with that and the bin files, and then actually repasted the entire install directory as I copied it, then using the unis000 .exe file to install the game again, and in both cases got the error "unis000 is corrupted" . Sucks..and very frustrating to boot, Just FYI, I have tried redownloading all the files 3 times, just to see if the corruption was a just a chance thing, but apparently not. Heres a pic of the files in the install directory as I copied them, just for fyi. Never had a problem doing this with the few other games I have gotten from GG, just this one. Probably won't be buying anymore now if I can't get them to my other computer without an internet connect. Ah well.... Thanks again for your replies guys :)

Edit: Just wanted to update this issue I was having, in the event it may help other's with a similliar problem. I hate being a quitter, so I tried a couple more, blah blah blah, and finally in the temp file, I had the installer .exe...can't tell you why, but all the other times, it remained that damn "lauch" file .exe, which is only good to install from GG. Anyway, with the proper game installer .exe finally in my possession, I went to install the game on my gaming computer. All seemed well, changed install directory to C/Computer Games (as always), and clicked install. Next thing I know, error message pops up "Installer can't find Star Wolves 3_setup-1.bin Unable to install" from the jump drive I have plugged in. WTFFFFF??? The path is correct, and I can see all 6 .bin files sittin right there, ready for installation. About to pull my hair out, when I realize, for some strange reason, I have to go and manually rename all the .bin files from just plain old "setup-1.bin" to "Star Wolves 3_setup-1.bin" Presto, restarted the installation, and Bingo, game is finally up and running, Have never in my life had so much trouble getting a friggin game installed, or ever come across having to rename the BIN files before the installer would recognize them. Anywho, just thought I'd leave that here in this thread for any who might encounter a similliar problem. Thanks again all...time for a snifter of Hennessy to celebrate my mule headed stubborness to suceed :-P
Post edited October 04, 2012 by Zoltan999
Open the GG downloader and either redownload the game or wait for it to launch the installer if you've already downloaded it. Don't do anything once the installer comes up. Instead go into the directory the installer was downloaded to ("GamersGate temporary files\#####\"), make a duplicate of the installer .exe (and only that one file), then close the installer, tell GG downloader to keep your temporary files, then plug that duplicate installer .exe back into the installer directory.
GoJays2025: Open the GG downloader and either redownload the game or wait for it to launch the installer if you've already downloaded it. Don't do anything once the installer comes up. Instead go into the directory the installer was downloaded to ("GamersGate temporary files\#####\"), make a duplicate of the installer .exe (and only that one file), then close the installer, tell GG downloader to keep your temporary files, then plug that duplicate installer .exe back into the installer directory.
Thanks, that's what I ended up doing to grab the actual installer finally. The odd thing about the whole incident as I said, was having to rename those those BIN files when I installed on my other computer. When installing on my laptop, on which, I downloaded the game from GG on, the "launch" installer had no trouble installing the game with the BIN files as they were. Never had that situation come up before :-/. Anyways, all is well and good now, 'preec-a-tate the help! :)

ps. Being a NYer, you'd probably be surprised that I am sure we have something in common. I root for any team playing against the Yankees ;-) (Met fan...painfully so, I might add)
Post edited October 04, 2012 by Zoltan999