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If this year wasn't scary enough, we have some horrors for you.

Today, two acclaimed series of horror adventures, Gabriel Knight and Phantasmagoria, are available 75% off in our Belated Halloween bundle.

[url=]Gabriel Knight, a tormented young writter, came to be a celebrity of the point-and-click adventure genre. The first game he stars in--subtitled "Sins of the Fathers"--features beautiful pixel-art graphics, over 7000 lines of fully-voiced dialogues, and a dark story balancing on the verge of madness and occult. The game launched a successful and recognizable series that earned its place in the adventure games' hall of fame. Be sure to check the other two games that complete the trillogy: Gabriel Knight2: The Beast Within and Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned.

is a horror-themed adventure game, released in 1995, when the popularity of "interactive movie" titles was at an all-time high. It was the best-selling title by Sierra at the time, plus one of the best-selling titles of the year. The most distinctive feature of both [url=]Phantasmagoria and Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh is that they went where other games never would in terms of on-screen violence and sex, causing a lot of controversy worldwide. If you want to know more about Phantasmagoria and it author, read an article by David Craddock which shows the history of the game and we hope will clarify some doubts.

Don't be scared! Five horror adventures in Belated Halloween bundle are only $8.45, today on
Got them all apart from Phantasmagoria 2, which I can get for 1.50 $... Should I or should I not?
For the record, I HAVE seen Spoonys playthrough. Didn't understand the plot at all.
Not my cup of tea...
Those are high quality gem. Very cheap.
I really need to get around to playing GK1...
Lhademmor: Got them all apart from Phantasmagoria 2, which I can get for 1.50 $... Should I or should I not?
For the record, I HAVE seen Spoonys playthrough. Didn't understand the plot at all.
You are in the same boat as i was when this exact belated halloween sale was on the other week, i decided to go for Phantasmagoria 2 as you will not see it for higher than 75% off, if it's on again next year it'll be 50% or 60% off at most.
How are the loading times for Phantasmogoria? I imagine they are horrible in the original but since the game doesn't load from cd here they could be better.
wormholewizards: Those are high quality gem. Very cheap.
Some of those gems are flawed and one of those looks like a semiprecious stone (P2) but the offer is certainly good. Enough to say I had all of those games before End of the World promo : ) Real classics and adventure game milestones here.
Darkcloud: How are the loading times for Phantasmogoria? I imagine they are horrible in the original but since the game doesn't load from cd here they could be better.
there are no loading time in it
Lhademmor: Got them all apart from Phantasmagoria 2, which I can get for 1.50 $... Should I or should I not?
For the record, I HAVE seen Spoonys playthrough. Didn't understand the plot at all.
It seems to me the game isn't exactly "good" per se. More of a so bad it's good kind of thing, which is a type of feeling I never understood, but if you're into that sort of thing (Birdemic, The Room, etc.) you might like it.

Than again I do feel that ANY game is worth that price, even if you don't like you'll still get something out of the experience. Besides what could you buy with that? A truckstop hotdog? I guarantee the game would last you a lot longer than it would for something like that to pass your system.
DaCostaBR: Than again I do feel that ANY game is worth that price, even if you don't like you'll still get something out of the experience.
Wait, what? This statement makes absolutely no sense. No, the game is definitely not worth it if a person doesn't like it, no matter the price.

In fact, this is the only game I don't own from this promo, and I'm most certainly not interested either because I know I wouldn't care for it, so that would be a buck-fifty thrown into the gutter.
Post edited December 30, 2012 by mistermumbles
So, what other promos are left from the end of the world sale? I remember only the WWII games. Considering we have 2 more daily deals left, it may be time to get those extra titles I was waiting for.
DaCostaBR: Than again I do feel that ANY game is worth that price, even if you don't like you'll still get something out of the experience.
I think I might have some games to sell you. :P

As for Phantasmagoria 2 -- I have a boxed version, I played it when it was originally released, so my impressions were probably very different from those of someone playing it in 2012. It wasn't a great game, but it wasn't really bad either, apart from the ending. Oh god, that ending. :|
Post edited December 30, 2012 by drennan
Lhademmor: Got them all apart from Phantasmagoria 2, which I can get for 1.50 $... Should I or should I not?
For the record, I HAVE seen Spoonys playthrough. Didn't understand the plot at all.
I bought it after watching Spoony's Let's Play.
It is weird, it is a mess, it has planet-sized plotholes, it has terrible acting. it has nonsensical puzzles... still, it's kind of fun. A guilty pleasure, just like The Harvester.
It's certainly fun to play with someone else just for laughs
high rated
P1na: So, what other promos are left from the end of the world sale? I remember only the WWII games. Considering we have 2 more daily deals left, it may be time to get those extra titles I was waiting for.
Day 1: Bullfrog Favourites (Forum thread)
Day 2: Witchers, Zombies, and Space Adventures (Forum thread)
Day 3: Indie RPGs (Forum thread)
Day 4: Cyberpunk & Steampunk Bundle (Forum thread)
Day 5: Pick & Mix: Scandinavian Games (Forum thread)
Day 6: Quest for Sierra Bundle (Forum thread)
Day 7: Defend & Conquer Bundle (Forum thread)
Day 8: End of the World (Forum thread)
Day 9: Daedalic Adventures (Forum thread)
Day 10: Santa Snapped (Forum thread)
Day 11: Jumpin' Indie Action Bundle (Forum thread)
Day 12: Ultima Series (Forum thread)
Day 13: City Builder's Special (Forum thread)
Day 14: Pick & Mix: Telltale Adventures (Forum thread)
Day 15: Dungeons & Dragons Deal (Forum thread)
Day 16: Indie Action Bundle (Forum thread)
Day 17: Might and Magic Madness (Forum thread)
Day 18: Assorted Indie Adventures (Forum thread)
Day 19: Belated Halloween (Forum thread)
Day 20: Santa in Space (Forum thread)
Day 21: World War II Games (Forum thread)

To go:
Mystery promo on the final day (it won't be a new promo according to this post)
Post edited January 01, 2013 by drennan