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Going beyond the digital!

Recently, you showed us that you're invested in making a better service. We appreciate your willingness to provide us with feedback, as it gives us a unique opportunity to shape our business to your liking. It's nice to have an active and supportive community in your corner, when you fight the good fight in the DRM-free revolution. Thank you! Today, we want to ask for your opinion on something completely different than content policies, online-keys, and beta-access. Some of you asked about official merchandise on many occasions. We'd like what kind of gadgets--if any--you'd like to see in our offer.

That's not all! Some of our industry partners ask us from time to time, if would be willing to promote their products to its users via various special offers. For example, we could offer you coupons giving you 50% discount on some gaming accessories like controllers, or keyboards. We're wondering if you're interested in an option to receive such offers from our partners. Please take a moment to answer a few questions so we know what's your opinion!

*NOTICE: The survey is now closed. Thank you for participation!*
Post edited May 10, 2013 by G-Doc
Okay, survey has been going long enough. Of course GOG people want GOG swag.

Bring it on!
I answered a low no to both questions for the following reasons:
a) I rarely buy derivative products, and only for games that have a special meaning to me. But feel free to make a merchandise shop if others are interested.
b) Nothing wrong with coupons, but it annoys me. It's just an alternate form of marketing. I wouldn't mind too much all things considered, but unless becomes a better service out of it I don't see the point.
Post edited May 11, 2013 by SmashManiac
This poll needed a third option: I don't care.

I nearly never buy affiliated products and if I do I'll likely head straight to the developer's store, so as long as I'm not going to get spammed over them I could scarcely care less if they're on GOG or not.
alibenbaba: The important thing is to have original and cool merchandize.
E.g. not a T-Shirt with System Shock (TM) on front, but rather 'Welcome to my world, insect.'
How about a Google Glasses decal that says "L-l-l-look at you H-h-h-acker."?
Only half-kidding.
vsr: I would like to be able to buy physical copy of the game with the same content (w/original art), same box, same manual, same map, same collector's cards as it was on Day 1 Release (and, maybe, in addition to GOG's version, - additional disc with unaltered pristine copy of the game - for historical and, maybe, modding compatibility purposes). :)
Of course this will never happen, and if it will - they'll cost 300 bucks.
Dreams, dreams...
Maybe... maybe... it would certainly take an edge off the ebay market. :)
I find it interesting that despite the GOG user philosophy for DRM free software, nobody seems to be asking for DRM free artwork. Sell me a 600dpi PDF and I'll print it myself however I want, to save on shipping!

Oh retail artwork is not the same as retail software? Tell me more about your double standards. /willywonka ;D
Post edited May 11, 2013 by MogicCap
I'd vote 'No' to the merchandise stuff unless GoG has a strong bottom line and money in the bank to risk on such a move.

Merchandising is quite a different business from DD. The overheads are much higher for one thing, and the returns (unless you get the cheapest rubbish made by child slave labour in China or India, and we're too ethical for that right?) are going to be slim. And keep it simple if you do go this route: a T-shirt, a Mug, a Hat with the GoG logo.

The more complicated the inventory, the more issues you will have all down the line from production to distribution and storage, and even though i love GoG, i'm not sure how many of your customers that already complain about high prices on your games (compared to Steam Sales) are going to stump up more than the cost of a 90% of your games for a Mug to be mailed to them.
Post edited May 12, 2013 by ThorChild
Khadgar42: Vault-Tec or DukeNukem action figures would be awesome...

What about posters?
Action figures! I didn't even think of that. There are a lot that would be cool. Personally, I'd love one of The Avatar to proudly display somewhere around here, not to mention occasionally play with, maybe a matching dragon or something.
I'd be ok with all the merch. ThorChild, I suppose GoG has enough money now to make the move and take the risk, so don't worry. :)

What I'm not so OK with is the coupon offerings and hardware peddling. My reasons are simple: first, those offers are always, and I really mean ALWAYS, restricted to the US and / or Europe. For those of us who are from / live in other places of the world, those things become spam. Second, and this is much more personal, I find those offers (perhaps because of the first point) annoying, the internet version of those TV ads that sell all kinds of silly "weight-reducing" machines. They call my attention in a negative sense, and in the end they're something I never click on, but that's just my prejudice.
I would like to see GOG Magazine (print version if possible).

News and reviews from would be fantastic!
I don't see anything wrong with offering GOG merchandise as another way to support the site and the idea. If the store would also have some exclusive game-related items, all the better. You could even connect the merch store with your digital purchases, like, have a dollar discount on the merch related to the game in your library. Getting the whole series (like, I dunno, HOMM or Ultima) nets you a free merch item, or a heavy discount.

Third party hardware offers, well, I don't see anything especially wrong with that, but, I dunno, I don't think that would have an impact here on GOG. Hardware offers would make sense if you need it right? You really only need it when getting a new PC. I don't think GOG users need to update their PCs that much, given the good old games, yeah?
Sometimes, we could offer users special discount offers on things like gaming hardware from our business partners. Would you be interested in an option to receive such offers?
I'm missing the option to say "I don't know."

Am I interested in receiving a lot of spam like PayPal sends out? No.
Would I like to receive offers for products I'm interested in? Yeah.

But that goes further - even when receiving a discount on something, most of the time the international shipping cost exceed the saved amount. Plus when I want to send something back or have a broken device, international support isn't always fun. I'd rather order in Germany and know our customer friendly laws apply to the transaction, than spare $19.99 while paying $15.42 for shipping.

Next question is: Would you hand my personal data out to 3rd parties and who are your so called "business partners"?

I'd like to ask you to go deeper into detail with this question. Until then I'll vote nope :-)
I voted no because I'm not interested, but if GoG thinks it's viable then they should go for it.
The use of 3d printers to print out models of characters from GOG games could be really interesting, every so often they give out plans of several figures, people commit to buy and if each model has enough people commit, they do the run.

As long as the selling of items doesn't become spammy then I think it could be quite interesting. Hardware I am not so sure about, as how will they tie it into GOG, unless GOG and a particular hardware manufacturer sponsor each other, which could be interesting if GOG matches up with a budget but decent quality manufacturer.
I will second the voice asking for action figures, especially for the more retro games, Such as a statue of the Avatar vs The Guardian, or the Bard from Bards Tail, or any of the monsters from Dungeon Keeper. Hell even as a joke, I would buy a block of text describing a character from Zork.

Within the the indi and old school games, there are tons of interesting designs that have yet to have had a Toy/Action Figure/Statuette made of them.
AlexY: I don't see anything wrong with offering GOG merchandise as another way to support the site and the idea. If the store would also have some exclusive game-related items, all the better. You could even connect the merch store with your digital purchases, like, have a dollar discount on the merch related to the game in your library. Getting the whole series (like, I dunno, HOMM or Ultima) nets you a free merch item, or a heavy discount.

Third party hardware offers, well, I don't see anything especially wrong with that, but, I dunno, I don't think that would have an impact here on GOG. Hardware offers would make sense if you need it right? You really only need it when getting a new PC. I don't think GOG users need to update their PCs that much, given the good old games, yeah?
The "old games" GOG offers are getting newer and newer. Neverwinter Nights 2 had some pretty steep hardware requirements when it came out, as an example.