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Give us a 100-character Witcher story. Win official The Witcher t-shirts and wolfhead medallions!

Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy saga upon which CD Projekt RED's The Witcher universe was built, consists of five novels. The legend of Geralt, however, began with a 1986 short story. Even in his very first feature, the white-haired monster hunter was already a complete and fully-developed character with unmistakable personality and demeanor. It's amazing just how well the debuting author managed to define the hero and his reality in such short form. This was 27 years ago, though, and the current forms of communication have taken a turn towards haiku-like limited form. It's amazing what people are able to convey within 140 character limit. One might imagine, that nowadays, you could see a complete fantasy short story in under--say--100 characters. In fact there's an example of one, just below this post (or, if you're reading this in our forums: here, on our Twitter).

Do you think you would manage to squeeze a Witcher story within 100-character limit? If you think you can, tweet it with the #GOGWitcherStory hashtag. That's 100 characters of the actual story + 16 characters of the hashtag. Alternatively, you can give us your story in the forum thread below. Naturally, the 100-character limit applies here just as well. Two entries per person tops (each of them still needs to be a separate, self-contained short short short story). Prizes? Of course there are prizes! Authors of the 3 best stories will receive exclusive The Witcher: Wild Hunt t-shirts, and wolf-head medallions. 4 runner-ups get just the medallions. All the winners will also get one $5.99 gift-code, each. The deadline for submissions: Friday, October 18, 9:59AM GMT (the GMT part is important!).

Need some inspiration? Buy any game from until Thursday, October 17, at 9:59AM GMT, and you'll receive a free copy of the classic The Witcher: Enhanced Edition. All set? Get creative!
Post edited October 16, 2013 by G-Doc

Actually a quite good writer but I'm not gonna create a Twitter account to do this.

Edit: Negative rep? Sorry if someone felt offended, not my intent.
Edit 2: Sorry for the "first", don't know all the forumthings and whatnot.
Post edited October 16, 2013 by Kennethor
EDIT: Kinda stupid question now that I really understood the idea, sorry : P
Post edited October 16, 2013 by Crowned
For Sale: Witcher shoes, never worn.


Disqualified for plagiarism of course, I'd probably be able to do a better one if I had actually played the game.
Post edited October 16, 2013 by Shaolin_sKunk
Done via Twitter, there is an enter-made space that separates the hash-tag from my 'story.' However the story itself, including punctuation is exactly 100 characters.

Edit: and there's entry two.

(Revenile on Twitter)
Post edited October 16, 2013 by Revenile
Revenile: Done via Twitter, there is an enter-made space that separates the hash-tag from my 'story.' However the story itself, including punctuation is exactly 100 characters.
Mine too, I had to cut around a bit to make it fit 100 characters. Maybe punctuation was actually not included? Anyway, I sent it already.
There once was a witcher from Nantucket,
his uhh sword was so long he could hack it
Crowned: Is it required to star Geralt by the way, or do you leave the interpretation to us? Very intrigued, and probably participating.
You can partecipate writing you story here in the forum ;)
The drunk thought it would be funny to give Geralt the finger. Geralt cast a hand sign of his own.

Im presuming posts on the forum have no need for the hashtag?
Post edited October 16, 2013 by Zappanale
In a world of chaos and death, there stands one man... Well, not exactly a man - Geralt the Witcher.

There we go. What? It's a lame one, but an attempt nonetheless.
Post edited October 16, 2013 by bhlow
Here my entry:


Geralt came after the dawn,slash the echinopse at dusk and at night slept with the farmer's daugther

Post edited October 17, 2013 by Fertal
Here is my attempt:
Before his agenda at inn he gazed at harlots;at his young days It was just lust he felt. Not anymore
Post edited October 16, 2013 by ruzenqures
mmm just a question, for the devs:

the prizes will be shipped anywhere in the world?

Once upon a time, in a dark fantasy land, there lived a dude named Geralt. He set out on his quest to kill a bunch of shit and bone a bunch of people. He rescued the princess and boned her too.

The End
My entry:

The secret to witchin': a hairstyle that's bitchin'. The monsters he slays, the women he lays.

Edited as per request from G-Doc to have entries in bold. Also added a little bit more length.
Post edited October 16, 2013 by DProject