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I don't drink coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol and do not spend a lot of time hanging in cafes.
I'm impervious to the heat.
I'm not impervious to heat. Which sets me apart from my countrymen because I seem to be the only one who doesn't seem to think of this summer as "good weather".
Vainamoinen: I'm not impervious to heat. Which sets me apart from my countrymen because I seem to be the only one who doesn't seem to think of this summer as "good weather".
You're definitely not. People probably think I'm nuts for liking all the other seasons better than summer. Yeah, winter is chilly, but that's what we have clothes for. At least my brain is still functioning in the cold. :P

Not sure though if that's typical or atypical for a German. Typical is complaining about the weather. Summer ist too hot, autumn and winter are too cold, spring is too rainy. ;)
Post edited November 25, 2018 by Leroux
Vainamoinen: I'm not impervious to heat. Which sets me apart from my countrymen because I seem to be the only one who doesn't seem to think of this summer as "good weather".
I HATE the heat. Anything above 60 F and I become a mess. I can't deal with it.
I don't smoke. And I actually a pretty patient driver/rider and does obey the traffic sign and rules (also really hate to use the horn).
I don't take shite from anyone and have never been put on my ar*e in a fight.
Post edited November 26, 2018 by Tauto
I don't like to drink at all. The only time I drink are celebrations like birthdays, new year etc. where I force myself to and ONLY the one symbolic glass (which I also don't finish half the time). I generally dislike the taste of most alcoholic beverages. Cider is the only one I'd be able to drink in higher quantities. I always prefer a coke rather than any alcohol.

Thus, I have NEVER been drunk.

I don't like coffee.

Football is the most boring sport ever to me. I even find things like golf much more mentally stimulating.

I love milk tea.

I HATE summer.
Post edited November 26, 2018 by idbeholdME
I'm late.
Telika: I'm late.
That doesn't make you different. I'm pretty sure lots of people in Switzerland miss their periods.
Leroux: Typical is complaining about the weather.
It's typical for Germans to think that it's typical for themselves to always complain about everything. They're wrong though. ;)
I don't really care for Brandy+Coke at all (Coke here means Coca Cola by the way!). God damn just about everyone drinks it, and affectionally refers to it as Klippies&Coke. Hate the smell too - almost as bad as rum :P
Sometimes I feel like a snob with my little glass of whiskey :P Weirdly like the idea though of sharing Captain Haddock's favorite drink :D As a kid I could never understand how someone could stand the taste of it...
Telika: I'm late.
tinyE: That doesn't make you different. I'm pretty sure lots of people in Switzerland miss their periods.
Never. Swiss periods are regulated like clockworks, and announced by little cuckoos popping out.
Telika: and announced by little cuckoos popping out.
popping out of where?
Leroux: Typical is complaining about the weather.
Vainamoinen: It's typical for Germans to think that it's typical for themselves to always complain about everything. They're wrong though. ;)
Are you complaining about my post? ;P

Maybe. Dunno. I thought it was a well known stereotype about Germans that people abroad would come up with, but maybe it's just Germans stereotyping themselves. In any case, a tendency to complain is certainly not exclusive to stereotypical Germans, but popular all around the world, depending on your character, and the GOG forums are the best example for that. ;)

But if we're talking stereotypes, weirdly enough I'm very soft spoken and polite and don't boss people around or shout commands at them all the time, as we all know every other German does. ;)